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Everything posted by mickmck

  1. for sale AGAIN are merle pups , collie x grey , £150 tel 07759556925
  2. You didn't have a price up, you didn't want to say what the breeding was and you were selling for a friend. How's it feel to be a fiver down hahaha prick
  3. meaning ??? you want , like , hate :laugh:
  4. EXACTLY --- ONE RULE FOR ALL another wanker
  5. thats a bit petty isnt it bear , i paid up so surley i can advertise ???
  6. i put an ad on here last nite for merle pups for sale , what happened to it ???????????? im a fully paid up donator , sort it out
  7. buy a £10 phone from tesco then !!!
  8. i think there is a link on his page on here mate
  9. what you wanna insure a phone for ??
  10. i when you saved up £12.50 :laugh:
  11. one fox and the battery went dead , should have took a spare !!!

    1. long dogs

      long dogs

      you no for next time

  12. plastic jock could rig up some booby traps and explosions :laugh:
  13. couldnt you do a hpi check on the regisrations and get the info that way , then start an anti - anti group led by lab and go fook em up :laugh:
  14. he talks shit tho doesent he ?
  15. benn watching the final score today , and forgot how much garth crooks does my fooking nut in , what a gobshite , he talks proper shit , and to top it off robbie savage was on aswell , another pratt , my young un says to me , who is he , and when i tell him it garth crooks hes an idiot , was shit as a footballer and worse as a football pundit , but he was quite a good goal scorer in all fairness , playing for tottenham , stoke , man u on loan and west brom , and charlton. in total 375 apperances and 129 goals , but still burns my fooking cap out on saturday oh !! and alan hanson hes a tit
  16. winners make it happen , loosers let it happen

    1. Lab


      Bored mate.....and skint!!!

    2. mickmck


      im a winner in life

    3. mickmck


      you will have to sell a bit of your vast estate old bean , lol !!

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