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Everything posted by mickmck

  1. thats some lure machine :laugh: did graham make it :laugh:
  2. went out on the drink and ran into a little tart called christine , picked her up in the blue boy [ gay bar ] only to get her home to find she had meat and two veg , and to labs horror it was christian 71 off here :laugh: :laugh:
  3. just wonder if any one can help me out , i have lost my cpcs operators log book , for logging my hours on each catogory , and cpcs are wanting £15 for a new one , so was wandering if anyone had an old one or even 10 pages out of one so i can fill em in and send them off , i know its a long shot but if you can help please pm me , cheers mick
  4. says fcuk this im off ya ginger tosser , and i hope that fox knacks all yer pheasents ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to wich lab replied
  5. winning the lottery wouldnt change me !! i would still be a misserable cnut !!

    1. fredthefrog


      says albert who has to pay anyway lol

    2. albert64


      yes fred at least if your paying you have a choice, not much of one but you have one

    3. jeppi26


      Ya carnt be as miserable as tilfertilfer lollollol

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  6. no they were our normal plod
  7. is it the chain mail stuff :laugh: you got any shark nets :laugh:
  8. they can do what they want i reckon , i think the copper was just letting us know that we were not welcome and to stay away
  9. just a heads up to anyone thinking of going to catterick lamping , its bang on top . i got pulled last nite and the copper was wanting to seize me van and dogs , i never got caught on any land i was walking back to me van on a public road , he said he could do me for suspission of trespass , he says he took a van and dogs off a couple of lads from hartlepool 2 weeks ago , so be aware fellas , this copper was like a dog with a bone , he followed me back to me van to check it over and search it , i was sick as i had to dump all me rabbits
  10. i bet they can get through some deep fried calzones :laugh:
  11. im not fat , im pleasently plump !!!lol!!

    1. tilfertilfer


      ano mick but not 4 long lol,are you comin 4 a shine 2night mate

    2. mickmck


      ill come the weekend

    3. tilfertilfer


      ha ha i will have killed every thing by then lol

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  12. good to see lab has been getting out and mixing with the opposite sex for a change :laugh: says hes pulled not one bird but two i wouldnt let em both in your new jeep at the same time mind , they will fcuk your suspension :laugh: onwards and upwards ging :thumbs:
  13. mickmck

    Pc plod

    they do what they want , allways have and allways will
  14. all the rumours about me are true but i dont care lol!!

    1. tomano1


      f..king true bud and just say f..k to it lol


    2. tomano1
    3. PIL


      Have you fell out with skinny , Mick ? LOL

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  15. yeh labs been very quiet , never heard from baw and plastick jock hasnt been on , enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts :laugh: and mel [ tilfer tilfer ] grow a pair ya fanny
  16. well you can tell its that time of year again , 4 weeks ago all the daft lads were on winding one and other up in any way they could find , lab the fat ginger tosser , stabba the tosser , plenty of crack to be had on here over the summer , but nows every ones out wi there dogs or shooting or whatever they do its all gone a bit quiet , so look forward to hearing all the tales of a good season , but i did enjoy the fun and games
  17. cocky Just doing my bit to help the aged amongst us... picked up a nice hand painted fox sunday its a b booth derby cant do photos :D cant do photos ffs
  18. awsome dog that , it s like one of them free runners
  19. i would like to see lab and stabba get botted by this lad :laugh: he might need baby wipes for stabbas arse tho :laugh:
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