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Everything posted by mickmck

  1. i see my request for a rat trap been took off, so thats how its gonna be is it lol

    1. paulus


      it could get worse with the loss of ability to post status updates again lol

    2. MoChara


      paulus your the baddest mod ever, banning folk for nothing and sooo on lol

    3. delswal


      would that be a spelling error mick ? was it rat trap or a mat trap ? mind you you either way ya will catch vermin lol

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  2. i can also vouch for the man , ive done a deal with him before and met him half way , the bloke is looking for a swap , why does it have to be a major issue selling or swaping on here ffs
  3. mickmck

    Chat Room

    took the words out my mouth lol
  4. what a load of old bolloxs

    1. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Get down to the aviary, Mick ;-)

    2. tilfertilfer


      hey up bum chin lol


    3. jeppi26


      Nice to see you back tramp lol

  5. so you donate to the site , then ya cant post f**k all cos some c**ts getting the lip down ffs lol

    1. cookiemonsterandmerlin


      I donated but they sent my donation back in its tube

    2. mickmck


      he keeps taking my updates off , hardly fair play is it ?

    3. Malt


      Mick if you stop moaning about the site and how it's run in your updates they might stay up a bit longer.. lol

  6. so are all my posts gonna get locked now Matt

  7. i couldnt give 2 fucks about the points , the ban was cos you cant take a bit of banter , i think you just like pissing people off, itsa sad day when so called fellow hunters are policing other so called hunters for minor mentions in a post , but sadly thats the way its going , and as for having very little in your life , says a lot about you sat on hear all day , its a load of bolloxs
  8. man up Thred's like this piss me right off... You got a three day ban and some points... Big deal..! Man up and stop fecking winging.. Its only the fecking internet!!
  9. cos hes dirty rat pissed a few people off
  10. so on a hunting forum can you not ask a hunting realated qestion ???
  11. I cry every time I see my mutt run!! That's because your screaming "have it" as he closes in on his rabbit and it disturbs him. Mick i'm confused, whats an "oft cnut"? look it up ya fcukwit
  12. Like I said earlier; it's a good job you're not bitter... Calm down dear; it's only a forum! You had a three day suspension, not a year inside! mug
  13. simo and paulsare just oft cnuts but i can deal wth that , now the first time i come accros the rat i get banned, so do me a favour matt just go !!
  14. would love to tell ya mate , but i think hes on a power trip and dont want to give him the pleasure of banning me again , i think when they become mods they like to piss folk off , well he has pissed me of allright
  15. be very carefull what ya say del , they have the muskers at yer door next !!
  16. been on this site for 4 years and had some great crack with some of the members , but after getting a 3 day ban and warning points for posting a question in the running dog section , im really thinking about just fooking it off , i cant be arsed with having to take points and ban from matt the rat cos he said i offended him lol , he must be a sensetive likkel thing
  17. whats become of this site !! gotta watch ya dont upset the mods or should i say the thl mafia ffs

    1. mickmck


      have you heard yourself ,,ya think yer talking to some little knob head off your estate , ya talk to people like that your bound to piss people off , best thing you can do is DONT talk to me as i have no more to say to you end ov

    2. Matt


      Nighty night then. Don't let the bedbugs bite. Love ya lots xx

    3. stabba
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  18. right for sale is a fat yak kiak and paddle , this is a great little sit on top kiak ideal for fun or even for fishing , took it camping with me a couple of weeks ago , my 11 year old lad loved it , they cost new £250 im looking for £140 will be pick up only as its to big to post if yer interested pm me :thumbs:would consider a swap for a decent metal detector
  19. i bet that jammy bstard tilfer wins the fishing comp...lol

    1. foxtails


      what these tactics on the lakes then ? as I cant even catch a cold lol

    2. albert64


      lab will win, when you's see a fat ginger b/stard in a skirt doing lunges while commando on the banks you just wont be able to concentrate.....

    3. tilfertilfer


      its alabout trial and erra ft dont do the norm experiment with end tackel and such

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  20. half way through a 10 day juice diet ,,,,fooking starvin lol

    1. PIL


      Are you not coming mickmick ?

    2. tilfertilfer


      ffs no dont encourage the c**t pmsl

    3. PIL
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