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Everything posted by mickmck

  1. well i feel like one bat fastard today lol

    1. tilfertilfer
    2. Malt


      Me too mate, f*****g bursting out the seems here! lol

    3. mickmck


      Bet I've eaten my own body weight in crap today

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  2. I got a whites metal detector for sale , looking for £100 I think its a 180 classic
  3. merry x mas all you freaks lol

    1. foxtails


      n to you you freak lol happy x mas

    2. PIL


      ATB mick , Merry Christmas

    3. R.A.W


      Merry xmas mate

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  4. Ffs the rat is back , you will get nowt but fcukin smart are answers fro him hot meat
  5. I'll take that bud pm sent
  6. fantastic days ferreting 26 in the bag and home by 3 bells

    1. stripes


      good going mick,26 a right bagfull.

    2. mickmck


      Well pleased with the day

  7. Called in today and got some glove s and pants , spot on for ferreting
  8. What was that club called in Blackburn?? Was it Monroes?? Great nights in there watching Joe rakis dance with Karate moves pmsl the place I first went to in Blackburn was called the red Parrott , in a shit hole of a housing estate , the follow the Standish hire van up to a big empty warehouse lol
  9. Used to go to party's in Blackburn back in 1989 , quady park. In Liverpool happy fcuking days they were lol
  10. Load of bolloxs that's what it is
  11. For free , you will be lucky mate I can't get hold of one for love nor money lol
  12. They look in good condition them millet
  13. another cracking day out ferreting

    1. pip1968


      how many you get mick

    2. mickmck


      12 pip , was a good day mate

  14. i buy it in 20kilo bags pete its cheaper that way { budgies go cheap not canaries } and conditioning food before the breeding season , as said plenty greens , mine love broccily
  15. never. thought it would be so hard to get hold of a couple o ferrets , used to get em for 10 bob each lol

  16. looking for a good working ferret north east area ,

    1. foxtails


      is it you that fixes the mk1 boxes ?

  17. no a bad day out ferreting , takes me back to my youth

  18. what a bargin !! pair of meindle burma boots for £40

    1. stabba


      I'd pmsl if they were chinky snides lol

    2. mickmck


      I have them in my possession and there's fcuk all wrong with em , you can't stand to see someone do well lol !!

    3. Malt


      Will you separate, how much for one?? lol

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  19. bolted in thick cover stil dog fox eh and mate you make room for a good un fact why don't people tel it as it is he not good enough for me mite suit sumone free should be the advertdogs there for you to see graft if you want it -----say no more he did say you can always make room for a good un...facthe got plenty o dogs in stig he don't need anymore lol
  20. bolted in thick cover stil dog fox eh and mate you make room for a good un fact why don't people tel it as it is he not good enough for me mite suit sumone free should be the advert dogs there for you to see graft if you want it -----say no more
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