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Status Updates posted by mickmck

  1. big thanks to del and his good lady for the belly bustin bacon and sausage sarnies , and a mooch out wi the guns , cheers del

    1. delswal


      anytime mick….never thought i would feed anybody who ate more than stabba lol……see ya in two weeks pal

    2. paulus


      that i find hard to believe lol

  2. 2 weeks all inclusive in turkey tommorow come on giz a look at ya !!!!!

  3. been to the scooter rally at whitby, not many scooters left there today tho lol

  4. anyone work on the railways , pts card holders

  5. nice morning , been down the beach wi the dog.cleaned the birds out time for coffee and porridge

    1. pip1968


      ffs mick at least have a bacon sausage and egg on toast lol

    2. mickmck


      i love me porridge !!

  6. what the fcuk is going on at leeds , is he staying or not ffs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mickmck
    3. the apprentice
    4. albert64


      app doesn't count he's Scottish, wtf do they know about football....lol

  7. the kids walk through the house in fcuking football boots and wellies nowt said , fcukin hell on when i do it in me work boots !!! fcukin women !!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mickmck


      Incorrect boots lol

    3. delswal


      kids don't know any better you do ya fcuking tramp lol

    4. PIL


      Hahahaha @ del

  8. love nice frosty mornings like this , been for a mooch now back for bacon butty

    1. Venum


      Always a good start to the day :D

  9. beat our record ferreting today 32 in the bag

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scissorman


      And some of us wonder were all the rabbits have gone!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. mickmck


      Plenty out there if ya know where to look

    4. pip1968


      wheres that mick lol


  10. good day ferreting again 24in the bag , and a good day out on the yorkshire moors

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. keepdiggin


      nobody wants to take basil and his yappers out.

    3. Bazil brush

      Bazil brush

      Yip yap I get out with plenty good lad fella lol you rat, might bump into this summer you do any shows around Sheffield phill ?

    4. Bazil brush
  11. well i feel like one bat fastard today lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tilfertilfer
    3. Malt


      Me too mate, f*****g bursting out the seems here! lol

    4. mickmck


      Bet I've eaten my own body weight in crap today

  12. merry x mas all you freaks lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foxtails


      n to you you freak lol happy x mas

    3. PIL


      ATB mick , Merry Christmas

    4. R.A.W


      Merry xmas mate

  13. fantastic days ferreting 26 in the bag and home by 3 bells

    1. stripes


      good going mick,26 a right bagfull.

    2. mickmck


      Well pleased with the day

  14. another cracking day out ferreting

    1. pip1968


      how many you get mick

    2. mickmck


      12 pip , was a good day mate

  15. never. thought it would be so hard to get hold of a couple o ferrets , used to get em for 10 bob each lol

  16. looking for a good working ferret north east area ,

    1. foxtails


      is it you that fixes the mk1 boxes ?

  17. no a bad day out ferreting , takes me back to my youth

  18. what a bargin !! pair of meindle burma boots for £40

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. stabba


      I'd pmsl if they were chinky snides lol

    3. mickmck


      I have them in my possession and there's fcuk all wrong with em , you can't stand to see someone do well lol !!

    4. Malt


      Will you separate, how much for one?? lol

  19. mel get the bacon sarnys on mush lol

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. tilfertilfer
    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Just been chatting with Tudd's, this evening. Top lad! ;)

    4. tilfertilfer


      he will help anyone if he can pete top lad is spot on

  20. looking for a knocker box and collar , pm if ya got one for sale durham area

  21. looking for a knocker box and collar pm if ya got one durham area

  22. does yer tit s in when some fecker keeps looking at yer profile ,,,, you know who you are now fcuk off!!

  23. roast hedgehog for tea ,,,mmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tilfertilfer


      ffs mick next you will want some road rat lollol

    3. pip1968


      dont see the point in that lol

    4. foxtails


      let us know if your serious ? i bet your not !! if you are you need to take out the blue thingy ma job thing

  24. big thanks to fats for a nights lamping friday

    1. keepdiggin


      heard your going lamping with Paulus next week.

    2. mickmck
  25. i see my request for a rat trap been took off, so thats how its gonna be is it lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. paulus


      it could get worse with the loss of ability to post status updates again lol

    3. MoChara


      paulus your the baddest mod ever, banning folk for nothing and sooo on lol

    4. delswal


      would that be a spelling error mick ? was it rat trap or a mat trap ? mind you you either way ya will catch vermin lol

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