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Everything posted by collieman

  1. M5 will be too small I use 8mm, did try 10mm but found to heavy for myy elastic.
  2. Red bands came in post today so approx 10 days for delivery pretty good from china got two free targets and some pouch tying material free as well.
  3. Google dankung I have just ordered some of the 7mm red bands do not know hiw long it will take to come though
  4. Took chrono apart today cleaned it and it worked, took 10 readings averaged 703 fps with a range between 698 ang 708 so all good thanks for your input.
  5. Well tried to get readings from chrono today not working except saying bad changed batteries secured and alligned chrono up does not even read bad now just ready before and after shot.
  6. I will try that tomorrow going out to the rabbits in half hour, did have to turn the rifle upside down to get a reading as the shroud gets in the way otherwise it just reads bad.
  7. Was tested with cb625 chrono both times it had been regulated before I bought it by airtech I was told, was checked at 200 bar. The drop at 38 yards corresponds with the same fps speed using the balistic app strelok pro.
  8. Hi guys I have a bsa ultra which had been doing 703 fps using jsb heavies, but today the chrono says 633 anybody got any ideas what might be wrong? Could it be the heat I thought that would have made it faster.
  9. Last pheasant season if you could find a gamedealer to take them pheasants were 5p per bird market has crashed.
  10. Just back to work fell tore rotator cuff, minium 3 months off work if you do manual work after surgery which in my case took 5 month wait after accident . 6 weeks in sling and then physio to get your arm working again which it will not do without a lot of excercises. 5 months know since surgery and can do most things I did think will I bother getting surgery but glad I did now.If you can not lift your hand above your head it will probable be a rotator cuff tear.
  11. I have the xq 50 and a friend has the 38 model very little in them for the extra money, I would get the xq38 if I had to buy again.
  12. My guess for what it is worth is an obstruction in the gut.
  13. Do not forget to take some midge repellant they are real hungary at this time of year smidge is good and smells ok.
  14. Just waiting for my seresto collars to arrive ordered 2 to try them they say it will protect from fleas and ticks for 8 months at £16.50 each that is cheaper than spot on and for spot on to work the tick/ flea has to bite the dog.
  15. Nice write up making me think about going back to springers much less hassle.
  16. Good shooting a tidy bag of vermin, what silencer is that on your ultra does it not touch the air cylinder?
  17. Got to give him credit climbing that ladder with no safety rope, rip john
  18. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.fineartamerica.com%2Fimages-medium-large%2Fwoman-in-window-ron-schwager.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffineartamerica.com%2Ffeatured%2Fwoman-in-window-ron-schwager.html&docid=5BdsiK2hDL8ogM&tbnid=AH0wEZQwuRwcQM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi4sPmq5P7TAhULKsAKHUEzACUQMwgwKAIwAg..i&w=900&h=797&hl=en-gb&client=safari&bih=672&biw=1024&q=woman%20in%20window&ved=0ahUKEwi4sPmq5P7TAhULKsAKHUEzACUQMwgwKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8
  19. collieman

    Acid Reflux

    Had the camera down 3 times now, goes up your nose and then down throat not pleasant just uncomfortable,still not found problem just take gaviscon and put more water in the whisky.
  20. The market fell out of the teeth about 25 years ago they were called tusks, the pizzles are still worth a couple of pound the orientals buy them to cook as an aphrodisiac never bothered with sinews too much work and little money.
  21. Got one of these good sharpeners for putting the angle back and just touch up with steel, does take guite a lot if metal off though.
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