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About collieman

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    Scotland somewhere

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  1. Thanks neil would have been spot on but ordered one off ebay this morning.
  2. Looking for a mrk 1 ferret locator case anyone know where I could get one?
  3. All vans reg after 2006 are £260 per year I think the cars might be £30 estate car might be a better option for you.
  4. I have the same van 1.3 eco 2011 had it for 5 years just starting to give me a few problems now,would I buy another no bit small in back and road tax is €260 but excellant on diesal 60/70 per gallon.
  5. Thinking about taking up photography what sort of camera would I need for taking action shots, nothing too expensive bulky or complicated.
  6. Great looking pups, you can not have too much collie but I am slightly biased.
  7. Thanks for all replies and ideas will have the summer to try them and see if there is any improvement next season.
  8. Is the old leather collar easy to get out of the locator?
  9. No young up here yet just some pregnant does.
  10. Yes mate think you are right with there being more rabbits in the hole as there are a lot of rabbits and they are not keen on bolting.just waiting on a locator off evil bay should be here next week. Just have to keep trying she if she comes right like her sister.
  11. What sort of treats can you give a ferret? Tried leaving it to come clear of hole but seems that some ferrets just seem to be sulkers and others no problem could be just there personality/temperment.
  12. any tips on how to get a ferret that is not keen on coming out of hole back. Got a couple of jills one is fine but the other is a bit more timid and not keen on being picked up when coming out of rabbit hole.
  13. Looking to buy a ferret finder not sure which one knockerbox or mrk3m which one do you prefer ?
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