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About randalls.stevens7

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  1. Thanks for the info . The one Ive purcased has a stainless steel Bull barrel. So I hope to have lots of fun with it. I have a 9.3x62 which I uesed to hunt Springbok , but its to big and is not a long range calibre. I now will be using it for Stalk and walk in the bush veld on big game . Once again thank you.
  2. Hi to all out there . I have just purchased a T3 Super Varmint in a 243 . Is there anyone out there that can share there experience using this rifle.I have not taken posession of the rifle yet as I am awaiting my licence. But I hope that someone can put my mind at ease by givng me there opinion of the rifle. Any info would be appreciated. Kind Regards Randall (South Africa)
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