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About terrierkid

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. how big do reckon she will make? where abouts in cumbria are you?
  2. had a good day with the hounds today!

  3. thank you for that i wil probs buy some boots i think just dont know which sort, does anyone know if these boots are ok ? MEINDL-TAIGA-GTX? or MEINDL DOVRE EXTREME GTX?
  4. which are better for beating and hunting,boots or wellies. which would you buy and which is best lasting?
  5. Thank you all for the feedback! anyone live local to me? lancaster area?
  6. cheers for that mart, il just have to keep handling yeah. yes mate keep at it. is it a full on bite she tries or just a nip? if its a nip she is probably nervous... they can be strange animals at times but time and patience is a must. well i got her out last nite no problem then put her in my box while i cleaned out the hutch then went to get the ferret out and she just locked onto my thumb, hopefully she will stop.
  7. and don't do anything to hurt her as punishment because she will associate your hands with pain... patience is your best option here,offer the back of your hand with spit on it to distract her while you lift her with the other she should come good with time. cheers for that, i just dont want to go out ferreting with her 1 day and she bites me or anyone i take with me.
  8. thanks for all the replys and will try all your ways and get back to say if it has worked or not
  9. she is about 8-9 months old and i bought her off my neighbor about 4-5 months ago. she is in a 3 storey hutch and biting, she doesnt let go and hurts a bit haha.
  10. cheers for that mart, il just have to keep handling yeah.
  11. hi all, im 14 and was wondering how or which is the best way to stop my ferret biting me, i have her out every nite and every time i go to get her out my box or hutch she trys to bite me and has a couple of times now. any advice would be great. atb terrierkid
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