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Everything posted by perry85

  1. cheers for that mate just want my dog back her name is pip
  2. he sold her on said he met the fella on the a55 just outside chester ive been told he sold her mold way or up towards cumbria so dont know which to believe i know her took it hes got a nice fat lip and and dodgy nose for his trouble just want her back
  3. im trying to upload one now mate his name is victor cooper from the chester area
  4. this dog was stolen out of my garden the police have records of it and there is a reward for the safe return of her shes a really good working dog has got a bit of her ear missing a a big scar down her side i know the lad who robbed her and ive delt with him all i want is the dog back so if you know anyone who has her please get in touch
  5. where are u mate and do u have any left??
  6. hi im looking for a blue merle lurcher as mine was stolen out my back yard they stole her pup as well so im gutted im willing to pay the [bANNED TEXT] amount for the [bANNED TEXT] dog does any one have one for sale
  7. hi mate can u send me a pic of the dog please
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