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Everything posted by paulredtop

  1. I kill themhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Kyi0WNg40
  2. Good honest post that...........i'd also add mechanic to that list, always people wanting there car fixed.. iv got a nvq in mechanics did it while i was in school one day a week thing and hated it
  3. thanks for the advice mate i know its going to be hard but every trade has it good and bad points one person on the course is 36 years old and in 4 years if i hated it i would only be 22 years old so not that i think i will but i could all ways learn a new trade :thumbs:
  4. commentator was definitely wishing the dog would make her fall off :11: :11: :11: :11: :11: :11:
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEhwIqmmEJY skip to 2.26
  6. since i left school with know idea of what i like to as a job every job iv had iv ever hated it or when i did find a job i liked i got made redundant but finally im in collage learning a trade bricklaying and its the trade for me :thumbs: :D :D :D :D
  7. best way to exsplain what this forums like :notworthy:
  8. paulredtop


    ill tell you what it means as soon as you press the secret magical button its in the bottom right green with a cross on it
  9. :laugh: :11: :11: :11: :D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  10. loved that guys catch fraze every time he jumped seeya
  11. ok you rumbled me its not bruce lee it is actually me just filmed my self in my spare time :11: :11:
  12. it may well be fake mate but its still f king cool
  13. watched a bit of it mate were they basicaly just take a dislike to kids for no reason then call them a witch then they become an outcast and everyone is told to kill them and the only way to get rid of being a witch is by paying loads of money so the vicar aka con man says they have got ride of it madness some people in this world i couldnt evan watch it all i got so pissed off by it :wallbash: :wallbash: :censored: :censored: :censored:
  14. welcome to the hunting life :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani:
  15. there you go mate daves link
  16. bruce lee ping pong nunchucks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SncapPrTusA&feature=related
  17. nice one mate i wish you best of luck
  18. what you need to find is a button called aspect press it and it should come up with choices of picture size then just choose the one that fits screen hope this helps in not whats the make of tv
  19. you should try and get some practice skin to practice on a get used to using your tat gun practice skin for sale
  20. it dose it on some programs mate it dose it if you watch the simpsons in hd aswell mate
  21. Is this the new karate kid trailer looks good :11: :11: :11: :11:
  22. you could use the metal grill bit out of disposable bbq
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