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Everything posted by BIGASH

  1. Thanks guys for the good replys she had 6 ive put some pics in my gallery feel free to take alook lol was buzzin when i saw the albino hob always wanted one and a silver jill 5 jills 1 hob good litter
  2. Looking for the lad who had the bright green and pink pures nets for sale
  3. Two of the six from the litter but there the ones in keeping nice silver jill and a big albino hob what you all think
  4. Hi all ive got a ten foot gate net how do they work and what sort size poles should i use on it i had it given to me and iv never used one before thanks
  5. Hi all just a quick one does anyone no who was selling the bright green and pink pures nets as i cant find it anymore and i would like to buy some thanks lads.
  6. Pete thats great 10 weeks sounds fine like u said there all developed also when shall i start them on meat as today when i was feeding mom two of the kits wer going mad at her and trying to grab the meat found it rather funny as mom didnt seem to happy to share lol
  7. Hi all ferret kits are 4weeks old now picked them up today for the first time and had alook at the sex she only had 6 and shes got 5 jills 2albinos and 3 silver/brown 1 hob albino not bad [bANNED TEXT] are they ready to leave thanks
  8. How can it be a rip off it's obviously gotta have it's benefits also like Jamie said good thing to say when out after permision. For anyone under 25 with sacs it's £9 for the year offer ends 1st of June it's worth having.
  9. How can he even have the cheek to call that ferreting nufin but a T.W.A.T
  10. ok mate thank you is it a full membership i need and does it cover ferreting thanks
  11. In need of ferreting insurance who are u with names and whos the best and cost thanks
  12. Ok thanks great advice il sort it out asap
  13. Ok mate its just wht he aske me to get at the course he said he would have to send it off an show it to the council. Whats a risk assesment please mate and how dk i go about getting insurance thanks
  14. Hi all just got myself soms great permission on a golf course only problem is they want me to get my pest control certificate so can someone please help me where do i apply for it how do i go about obtaning ir and is there a cost help asap thanks
  15. Ok thanks for the replys i do keep my hobs and jills apart its just when i clean them i tend to put them in thebig ferret court i have but now i will do them one at a time so there seperate till they calm down .
  16. Hi all quick question my last years hob has turned very aggresive towards my older hob is this normal they are in seperate pens but every time i get my older one out the younger one goes mad and starts chatting away and if they get put together he starts grabbing and biteing him doing my head in thanks.
  17. Hi all my jill had her kits 3 days ago its her first litter and she had 6 healthy and chunky kits anyway its my first time breeding ferrets and i just want a bit of advice firstly when i clean her out shall i seperate her as its one pen i no to leave the kits alone and the nest area but i have been told not to bother her as she will eat them is that true also how long till i can handel the kits thanks.
  18. I see what u mean mate but he said on the phone just stay out of police trouble and apply in 8 months like i said before i havent been in trouble for 4 years so y am i gonna do sumin stupid now and lose it all together i dont get it maybe there just tryna prove a point or sumin but i beta get it in 8 months or i will cry LOL thanks yet again for the help and advice what would be the advantages of apelling mate if i was to do it . BIGASH
  19. Just ta say a BIG THANK YOU to all of u its all bin great advice and a lot of help THANKS guys
  20. Ok mate thanks for that it really helped just to let u no they told me on the phone i had to go 8 months without being involved in the police then i can reapply and he said it should all be ok . But i will deffinatley see about appealing thanks
  21. LOL thats what i thought like i said my FEO said everything was ok and i shud get my certificate in 3weeks 6 the latest after that ring him if it dosent arrive then bang i get REFUSED and gotta wait 8 months .
  22. Id send off for it mate all they told me was they like u to have a clean slate for 5years so i thinck ur be ok mate i was propa angry yesterday when i found out lol but like my uncle told me he said it dosnt change anyfin cus i was shooting with him anyway without my own certificate so i just need to wait but when its all going right then that happens its propa head doing but hay i just gotta wait 8months ent that long LOL
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