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Everything posted by Millet

  1. What if i was treating the mothes and woodlice and i accidently killed the red mite,, will i go to prison..
  2. I went through tub's of DE and it never touched them i also know of several friend's who have tried using the stuff and they also said it never worked for them..1/3 water 2/3 bleach never worked ..ant powder never worked.. but Ficam did so it is approved by me so feck what anyone else say's.. .. As far as them commercial unit's knowing what they are doing i guess they do when they are blagging customer's and making money..
  3. Diatomacoeas Earth is a load of rubbish Mr Tea Pot it's not too bad for dusting the chook's backend for northern mite but as far as red mite go it's utter garbage..i have recently lost a nest full of goldfinch egg's through red mite..the hen refused to sit in there any longer and i took the egg's out filled the nest full of the stuff then put the egg's back in.. i ragged the nest a few day's ago and i was full of red might yet again..Ficam W is the way forward from Ebay.. ..and i can honestly say my shed is now cleansed from any living bug it even done the slug's ..
  4. I don't agree with that either Buster but with this stupid ban folk have little choice other than to dump there road kill so they have no evidence on them if they get caught walking there dog's.. One thing though that i can never understand is why some folk have so many dog's.. one is company and two is a crowd so too speak,,, it's a challenge getting the best out of one pup even on good land.. let alone 2/3/4/5 dog's and so on..
  5. I have had a drink here so bear with me.. .. but what mole trapper has said is a crock of shit.. ... i hope it's Diatomacoeas Earth you lot are on about..
  6. That DE is a waste of time and money if it's the crap i am thinking about.. why the code work by the way..
  7. Millet


    I picked a Tawny owl of the side of the road many moon's ago ..and when i was nieve I phoned RSFCA and they said put it in a box on the front and we will collect it in the morning..when i got up the next morning the box was still there.. .. i heard nothing from them and i ended up taking it too the local vet's.. Another story and i don't want too sound like a grass or a snitch but i was working on a council estate many moon's ago again.. and every day i would see this little black skinny mongrel puppy sleeping on a rotten mattress in all weather.. i used to throw food over the wall for t
  8. So does Ficam W.. .. they have officially left the building mind you so has eveything else that once lived in there in harmony.. .. i can honestly say i would sleep in there myself now..
  9. And the Fire Brigade when i burn next door's house down..
  10. If you want to go in the shed with a torch crack on.. .. after being covered in them from head to toe i thought it best to stay out..they where raining down on me everytime i went in.. .. so what i did was spray the first half of the shed at arm's length from out side...then after 1hr go in and do the rest.. that way i only got a few on me instead of hundred's..
  11. There is several strength's to which it can be mixed at.. i have the strongest..
  12. Many thank's for that Phil.. i did not clean the shed out i just sprayed it as i'm sick to death of being covered in red mite..i think i will clean it out and remove all the cages and spider's web's and then spray it again.. i have a 5ltr pump sprayer here mixed with a extra strength solution..i only used half of it yesterday so once i have cleaned the shed out i will use the rest..
  13. I know it's instant on most species but i have recently sprayed a shed with a heavy infestation of red mite.. they is what look's like million's of them layed dead everywhere but i can still see them crawling around in place's..it was spayed with a stronger than normal solution through the severity of the infestation..how long would you give it before it get's blasted again.. and how long should it take for the remaining red mite to expire..
  14. Millet


    I'm sure if they had a warrant they would of had to have the police present to issue it..
  15. I had thought that Vin but it will more than likely be a male Kestrel..
  16. I have never seen a lanner of peri smaller than a kestrel ..
  17. I do feast on my reward's matey but shot or ferreted bunnies.. at the end of the night's lamping it's burger's and sausage. i do how ever have two chest freezer's that get filled with legged and headed rabbit's.. at the end of the season they get minced with various other thing's and feed the dog's for a good few monthes..the last lot i done i got 230lb of mince which the pooches love..
  18. I only lamp for 2/3hr's myself and my last night of the season i got 4 rabbit's in heavy fog..not many i know but the dog done good in the condition's and the barby was mint afterward's..
  19. To me it matter's Allan.. .. as i want the run done and the dog back on the slip ASAP ready for the next dog..i get among a lot of rabbit's in the beggining of the season and part way through and it would be soul destroying if i was taking turn's on the slip's in field that will hold 50+ bunnies... only for my mate's dog to stalk it's bunnie and in the proccess scattering a fair few while we are stood waiting in a flood lit field.. ... at the end of the day though it's each to there own.. if i only ran half a dozen in a lamping trip a may well be able to live with a stalker..
  20. You alway's want them to grow up and start working but i would love to go back to when she was a little pup.. .. even if they can be a pain at times i just love bringing them on from a early age,,
  21. If i went out with a stalker or stalker's Tiny i think i would of pulled my hair out in the beggining of the season when you can get in excess of 40/50 sitter's..the battery would be fooked in a couple of hour's..
  22. Personaly i would be trapping the squirrel's and doing similar to what fireman said.. ..they was a thread up on here a while back very similar and the squirrels where still getting past the metal plate..maybe something a bit stronger than chicken wire though..maybe some type of hanging flower basket..
  23. My pooch don't do it night time and i have never had a one do it.. each to there own but the one's i have seen do it aggravate the life out of me...especialy when there is large number on the ground as on average you will use twice as much battery power on one run which can be a waste of time if the dog is not upon them pretty quick in certain area's ie hedge's/fence's and wall's..it's also a bad point if you are somewhere you should not be.. . my favourite type of lamping is when the dog run's the beam in and attempt to scoop them up out the seat..less energy required and the night can go o
  24. That's not a bad tip Tong po.. i suppose it could be like us we have one foot one ear and one bollock bigger than the other..
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