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Everything posted by Millet

  1. I racked a batch of Apple cyser today..the five on the right just need to let them stand now to see if they clear..I also started another two on the left..
  2. The bees can be hard work and frustrating at times and it is a never ending learning curve.. different problems arise every season that gets you thinking of the best and different ways to solve the problems quickly while thinking on your feet..it is fairly addictive though and a fascinating rewarding hobby when you get everything right.. I find the Mead and Cyser making a lot easier and just as rewarding once it has finally cleared and ready for the bottles.. Good luck with your retirement plan..
  3. Yes that was all from one season..in total at the end of last year i ended up with just over 700lb of honey..
  4. Here is some of the hives from spring and winter..I do not have any mead or cyser pics on my phone..
  5. Nice work..i have been doing something similar for the past few years..i have my own honey bees that produce more honey than i can sell so i make 23L batches of Cyser with any surplus Honey...it is basically apple wine but made with honey instead of sugar..the apple juice i use is pure apple juice from the supermarket..
  6. I have sent the very good man a couple of messages from two internet sources but i have had no reply.. i now know why..
  7. The Plummer terrier died out around 18/19 yrs ago through folk pissing about with the breeding.
  8. I know this forum is fooked beyond belief from it's early day's ...however please come forward normal older members with good line bred collie lurchers ..?
  9. I passed them on K and V said a autograph is required..you where spotted on TV a while back and now famous.. lol... ?
  10. I have two brothers one is my twin one is my younger brother.
  11. All the best with with the up coming prodigy ...if i can manage to stop on here long enough i look forward to there progress..?
  12. We like what type we like.. and we like what type suits our pass time...every man/woman is different.. ..
  13. V.. is spot on mate and is still out and about with Whippets... lamping regularly injuries and weather dependent.. V has a pup which has the potential to be a little Star but we will see..
  14. Your not wrong Joe.. i will be 47 this year and the months keep speeding up..
  15. The reason i am after a new pooch is my present Collie Lurcher has hit 7yrs old and i do not like to see her stiff after a night or day out mooching about..the dales can be a unforgiving place on the pooches old joints and she has picked up the odd irreparable injury..she can still work but the the recovery times are taking longer as time goes on so a new pup would lesson the load..anyone concerned about a pups welfare in my care have nothing to worry about..my pooches are insured have a life times worth of bunnies to work and sleep on the bottom of my bed when resting.
  16. All is well matey and i hope the same applies for you..
  17. Thank you John..do you have any background info..PM maybe better..?
  18. Yes K.. just the same just another year..hope you are doing good..
  19. Anyone got any litters planned...no rush just putting the feelers out in the hope genuine folk may respond.. Cheers people..
  20. This is the last place i would ask for Advice.. hahaha.
  21. Not as much as the past couple of seasons, i requeened the 3 hives this year, two are on brood + half and one is on double brood so what ever they collected i left it for them to feed on, they all got 12ltrs of 2:1 thymol syrup and each hive weighed over 100lb, so hopefully that will see them through to spring.
  22. This forum has gone from shit to even more shit unless you shoot shit guns and slaughter with that thermal image gear, Bee wise we are doing good and the girls are ready for winter.
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