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Everything posted by Gamekeeper01

  1. Hi, I have been joined a while now but i had forgotten to introduce myself! Im Hannah from Hertfordshire, im 21 and im a farmer and gamekeeper. I have a 6month old springer spaniel, 2 year old patterdale terrier and 2 ferrets. I love shooting (shotgun & rifle), beating, lamping, ferreting and general hunting! Hope to speak speak to you all soon!
  2. hi there, ive got a 6 month old male ESS. He's a lovely dog and very alert but im having trouble with a few things... firstly, i can get him to sit down but it will only be for literally 2 seconds. He gets up staight away before i have even managed to praise him. Also, if i take him for a walk, i like to let him off the lead for exercise. up until now he has been as good as gold and trotted along by my side but in the last couple of weeks he has started getting on the scent of rabbits and runs off, i call him as i usually would be he has stopped listening to me as much, he does eventually come
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