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Everything posted by spud1977

  1. thnks everyone!! i shall be looking for a good stud dog now any top bull crosses about??????
  2. shes working now harder than ever!! and as for a check up from the vet well i couldont take her there.
  3. shes a good bitch one in a million as they say and ied be gutted to lose her.
  4. hi there all ive got a bitch shes six now and i wouldont mind putting her in pup.is she getting to old for thst or not???
  5. the two bitches are 24 inch!! what do u recon half cross or 1/4 cross?
  6. only ever seen one wheaten cross but he was small!!
  7. got two good strong bitches one five the other six the two are still workin flat out but there not going to last forever.
  8. nice looking dog bud i would be chuffed with him to if he was mine.
  9. wouldont mind something rouugth haired plus a good nose?
  10. spud1977


    thats my sort of bitch bud!!
  11. are u looking for one? if so i have got a 7 month old one.
  12. spud1977


    very nice pup hows he crossed???? and the black one looks a fair tool!!
  13. lets see how meny crosses we can get on here!!!
  14. sorry bud!! our nomber 1 all rounder cross.
  15. so what is our nomber 1 cross??????
  16. thanks for your replys lads but i hear so meny people sayin bull crosses ar as thick as shit!! but sayin that most of them have probbly never owned a good one.
  17. dose anyone else find that they make true markers???
  18. cant believe some shit you read on here!! as anyone ever seen any of these dogs work bar golly????????? no didont think so arther looks a spit of the dog above my name and bud well what can i say what a dog. both dogs could smash anything wit eas.
  19. how do fella!! nice looking bitch what bull is in her and how tall is she???
  20. hi there bud. what bull is in that staff or pitt????
  21. got a few good pics of bull crosses but can get them out of my file
  22. ive had a few good bitches over the years none i could call out and 1 or 2 abit on the hard side.u only get out of them what u put in to them.
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