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Everything posted by miller

  1. No reason what so ever I myself use one gun for both game and clay shooting,
  2. Animal rights doo gooders let mink out of fur farms and the mink in turn kill our native species IE vole king fisher etc so the numbers fell dramatically.
  3. Could you please stop asking members pathetic questions like ;Would you aim a gun at a horse rider! You fail to understand what the post is about or give any useful feed back to anyone and just ignore the truth and advice about how horse riders are breaking the law. To me you seem to put yourself forward as an Anti or is it just because you are female and maybe blond you just don't seem to listen to people other than yourself talk sh*t :wacko: So if a horse rider trespasses on a building site do you expect them to down tools? as far as I can see whether you are on a horse,on foot,mot
  4. Thanks for putting that info on mate I hope the turd horse rider will read it though I wont hold my breath if he is like the ones around me, who would just say it doesn't mean me
  5. :protest: Wrong again dip shit, I have all the paperwork from NATURAL ENGLAND. regarding the law on horse riders- Footpaths- access etc :ha ha: and you have no access rights to go anywhere that is not a bridal path without the land owners permission so stick your head back up your horses arse where it belongs as you and your fellow riders are not wanted :wankerzo4:
  6. :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: Its people like you with that 'WHAT HARM ARE THEY DOING' attitude that F*ck everything up for everyone else, IF this site is not for you then take you and your horses and F*ck OFF or can't you follow the law like all horse riders
  7. No there is no bridle path in the area of concern, And yes they have been asked not to ride there but they are just ignorant b*tches, so i do not slow down when I pass them on the road. And before any one says owt about that let me tell you their is no law which says you have to. so as far as I am now concerned they can cry all they want when the horse throws them off . may i suggest a few well placed blank shotgun bangers... I have to ask is there a bidle path close by? and your crazy idea re bangers etc, just might result in a serious accident possibly to Horse and Rider.......
  8. Around me we have had horse riders moving feeders because their horses are scared of them! the fact that they shouldn't even be riding any where near game strips flushing the birds does not bother them at all. They are a F*cking nightmare I hate them.
  9. Nice rifle you got their mate, I shoot a Remington 700 .243 with no sound mod fitted but I do ware ear protection as I do when I use one of my shotguns.My ear defenders cut out any noise above a certain decibel straight away when I fire any weapon but I can hear the birds whistling ETC.when not firing, They cost me £20 from the shooting show at Newark early this year and work as good as ones at £. You only get one set of ear drums so protect them as well as your eyes.
  10. No problem with the grey hair on your dog mate, my black dog is just the same. Premature grey hair its called, Most men get it after they get married
  11. Good job pal, where was the access point for the rats?
  12. Prices sky high there mate euroguns finingley doncaster,massive setup atb jamiew,
  13. :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:
  14. Common sense, the green keeper has your number for such an occasion.its not cost efective to keep popping in every day to see if a mole has appeared,Don't tell me you check any traps you put down every day!as it is not the law too That may work in some locations but the golf courses I work would rather I came out as soon as they have a problem. When molehills appear around the 10th tee they don't want me to sort them out on my next monthly visit ! agree on this lets say u come on your monthly visit on a monday no moles to be seen, on wednesday the green keeper starts cutting and
  15. All this £10 a mole on farms and golf courses etc is crap! what you should offer is an all year round contract so they know if there are moles appearing you will be on them the next time you come on say your monthly visit.
  16. Dont get a 3.5" too many problems, stick to a 3" magnum just as good with less cartridge problems ie not cycling through the gun very well.
  17. :no:once you start to pay thats the end of yet another working mans sport gone its as bad as people paying to go ratting.both these sports are a form of pest control and are done as to help the shoot or farmer and you get the sport for free, KEEP MONEY OUT OF THESE SPORTS.
  18. I collected my pup from PPG a week ago and he is a little belter,straight out in the kennel to get him in a routine with feeding and time out the kennel etc and touch wood he is doing very well will try and put a picture up sometime. These dogs are well recommended.
  19. just got a new jack pup myself this week, my pat cross cant stand it so they are seperate at all times for now. the pat cross has always been in the house but this new pup is out in the kennel from the start, so all i will do when the pup is old enough to go out for a walk i will put a muzel on the pat and see if they will get on eventualy so i can take them both out ratting together.
  20. id be well up for it but its abit far away. more rats than you can count and transport as well, you have pm Can't see why anybody should have to pay for a bit of ratting after all it is something that needs doing and people offer their services for nothing. two seasons ago I put up an invite on here for anyone interested in doing some ratting on the game strips at the shoot I help on for "FREE" in return i get asked to days out with the lads who came along and have done for the last couple of seasons, I thought that was how it was surposed to work. once you start asking for mon
  21. Why is it that some people think that a dog is only a good worker if it has been dug to a fox, Also if you are not interested in the animal dont ask them to explain them selves and try to make them out liars.
  22. thanks for all the posts lads 4 or 400 dont matter as long as you all enjoyed the sport, well done
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