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Everything posted by miller

  1. I think he was pushed by those government workers you never see!
  2. miller

    boxing day

    Beating on the local shoot like every boxing day.
  4. I thought it was adults on this site not kids and games
  5. :yahoo: Now on my xmas wish list :clapper:
  6. Privatise the NHS, well bits have already been privatised and look what has happend, so much for standards improving. What about the folk who can't afford to go private?...maybe you would prefer a system like the USA where if you can't pay you don't get treatment. What is disgusting is that someone with a 20 room mansion can pay the same in council tax as someone is in a 2-3 bedroomed council flat. Or Multi millionaires who don't pay tax at all. If your all for equality why is some dickhead of a politician or banker allowed to earn more than a soldier, nurse or fireman for that matter?
  7. Bang on the money Scott the sooner the ordinary working man starts believing this and starts to organize their own unions that don't donate to new labour a political party that's done more damage to ordinary working class people with their policy of mass immigration the better. Totally agree.
  8. Simple solution, IF there is cows in the field especially with calves, Don't go in and find another rout. I have no sympathy for these F**king mad ramblers if they use there head and just think about it instead of just thinking ( Ive got a right to walk here!) these things wouldn't happen.
  9. Yeah. . . Beat the Fu**ing protesters with those battens!
  10. Same thing every year! The public are told that rivers are swollen, or large waves hitting the coastline during stormy weather, Yet people still go with their dogs or kids in prams?. Are some parts of society really that thick and don't take the warning serious
  11. Totally agree, this just proves they have no regard for humans and their livelihood.
  12. miller

    Chief Whip

    when do you stop blaming everyone else the guy is a arrogant torry public schoolboy tosser and they are all the same torrys arrogant dont know real life atb Same old shite! if your a Tory then your a toff, if you have a good education then your a toff. Give it a F**king rest will ya. And all that from a man from across the border where the new pass time is to pull your toes off when pissed up and keep them next to the TV so you can show them to your mates? P.S Their is only one R in the word Tory
  13. miller


    i don't think this topic is about the individual bobby on the beat my beauty, you look marvellous on your pedestal though Thank You someone who can read between the lines! It is not an attack on the police.
  14. miller


    This sort of thing has been done during the troubles in Northern Ireland and other places don't be surprised.
  15. It just seems a bit strange to me that when the police are shown in a true light for the wrongs they have done IE The death of the newspaper sales man at the G20 demonstration! and the Cover up of the truth about hillsborough, all of a sudden in the space of a couple of days they send two women PC to there deaths and make a fuss over someone calling a PC a pleb (playground talk) the media and everyone now forgets about what they did before? This event could of been instigated by the powers that be to turn the tables around to get the public's vote back.
  16. About time! They make a mess of the game strips and crops.
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