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Everything posted by Kane

  1. I take it all your dogs are locked in a kennel or walked on the lead till they are a year old then Because any dog with any go in it at all will hunt from an early age and those pups that show potential at an early generaly become my favourites.I obviously wouldnt expect to much if anything from a pup but a dog that is acustomed to the rough and tumbles sights and smells of the countryside will be a better prospect than one thats been pissing up lamposts and walked on concrete.Use your common sense.JMHO
  2. Taking a young pup out just for an hour to watch his olders and betters cant be all wrong just use your head.
  3. Should of been more patient in the begining not at the end.JMHO
  4. Yes almost fully recovered thanks Kye, just in time to get out for the best time of the season lol. Jordan,ratkilla and Royston2 some good pics there and some good memories,tinged with a taste of bitter sadness looking at those older pics ,but such is life. A good day with plenty of laughs and excitement ,the foxes found in cover realy were sitting tight and the dogs were almost making contact before charlie could be persuaded to leave cover but then having to look at Roystons ugly mug all day myself can hardly blame them.
  5. Makes a bit of a change from rabbiting,have a good time and tell us all about it when you get back.
  6. I dont know why beddy/whippets are so popular when a beddy/greyhound would do a lot better and a lot more.JMHO
  7. Very nice pup this would be ideal for ferreting bushing I wouldnt be suprised if in time she put bigger stuff in the bag either,but like Royston says there are no guarantees on that.No expense spared in rearing this litter.
  8. A couple of well bred bullxgreyhounds and a few noisy bushing terriers would do the trick i would imagine.
  9. I dont worry to much what cross it is as long as it realy lives to get its teeth into quarry .what quarry your choice. But Bullx or Bedlington/greyhound tend to suit me most.
  10. Considering the terrier is only 15 months old the result is the only immportant thing,if she were mine I would be holding her back from hard work for a while.JMHO
  11. Seen loads of roe munty taken seen a few fallow taken and some of them were hard work.But ive also seen a bullx bring down a full grown bullock single handed (bit lax on the stock breacking) so I would imagine there should be dogs that can take reds though never seen one.JMHO
  12. If Bull crosses are regulary failing on fox i would take a closer look at the breeding.That probably goes for all the other mutts that are throwing the towel in.JMHO
  13. Borders that have been bred from the right stuff have been as easy to enter as any other terrier a good terrier is a good terrier what ever the breed but crap is crap.
  14. I dont like digging in sand to much risk of a cave in or suffocation to the terrier but when a dig in sand has been unavoidable I have always walked away clean looks like a dig to me in any case cant think of anybody stupid enough to go to all that effort for a pic.
  15. Ive seen some very usefull hancock bred lurchers work, could make some one a very good hunting companion,good luck in finding her a good home.
  16. See your still wearing those pink trainers and gay jeans mate
  17. What do you mean by not shown anything?. Best to let dogs become accustomed to their quarry from an early age nothing wrong with having a rag on deer or fox skins and carcasses.dont have to overdo it but i would definatly show them more than just rabbits.JMHO
  18. Sire 3/4 grey 1/4 collie .Dam 1st X Bull/grey.
  19. Bedlingtonxgreyhound do everything a beddy whippet can plus more JMHO
  20. I supose the kill wasnt that great a deal but a young terrier using its nose and ears to find a young bird behind boxes and to push in and grab that young bird might in some circles be seen as showing just a little promise not saying its anything earth quaking but still something to think on.JMHO
  21. I cant see why there would be to much litter wastage shepherds arent exactly the slowest or clumsiest of dogs and Ive seen one used as a draw dog.I would be more intrested to know what the prey drive was like in the shepherd.There were reports of a lot of roe being found dead in the local area every one blamed poachers as usual but it turned out to be a pair of stray shepherds.
  22. I wouldnt expect to much from them for atleast another year just let them enjopy their puppyhood it will pay off in the end.They look a happy pair of well cared for terriers.
  23. The most immportant thing is to make sure your dog comes back to you when you call it.If its catching rabbits and bringing them back to you I think your doing well very well already.Just get out as much as possable with your dog and enjoy it you will learn more in a week of watching and being with your dog than you will from any book or question answer session.
  24. Kane


    When I see the white scum on day time tv giro benefit theiving drug taking scum I cant help but have a little respect for those that have studied hard and made sacrifices to work in our hospitals etc mulim or not.
  25. "results thats all that matters" i think i remember someone saying True results do matter and each to his own but dogs baying at a feral pig or going in mob handed isnt my idea of hard.Seen a video of bullxs taking feral pigs in the uk and to be honest [bANNED TEXT] the dogs in question did it single handed and made it look easy.Perhaps they might be classed of more of a hard dog.By the way I have seen and owned collie xs half the size of thet Deerhound that take fox.
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