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Everything posted by berty1

  1. Nice pics, but the 4th pic down is the SCARIEST looking dog I have seen, its like a WEREWOLF!!!!!!...lol
  2. Not trying to Hijack your post noddy10, but could someone say what they add to the cross please?
  3. These are some questions I was recently thinking of asking noddy10, I am glad you brought it up. Also what does the Deerhound add? Is it stamina, the same as what a saluki would add to a cross with a greyhound?
  4. 100% mate, lots of travellers will take anyones dogs, including from their own kinds, but as you said they arent liked/respected for it by anyone. But most travellers who wouldnt take anything off anyone. Its the few who makes it bad for the rest. I hope you get the dogs back mate.
  5. Funny sort of question, with a very obvious answer.... as little as possible!!!!
  6. Goodstuff keep us updated with it.
  7. Thanks for the info George.
  8. They cant let some people hunt some animals and stop other people hunting different animals, its all or nothing on either side, admittedly it will be more regulated if brought back but they cant hunt 1 without the other unless they put it under protection laws.
  9. Would you prefer the arsehole Labour government we have now? What good have they done us?? They are the wa*kers who got it banned in the 1st place, no chance of getting it back in with them in power.
  10. I posted this a few weeks ago but didnt get any replies so thought I would try again... Just wondering if the dog "Nipper" was still around and if so how old is he? I know he was the father to Benji Barney and Peggy (with Kim the saluki) what other well known dogs/bitches did he produce? Thanks in advance.. berty1
  11. lol, they need the overtime money in this credit crunch. Great post!
  12. Ahh...maybe. Thanks for the reply Strong Stuff.
  13. Actually I just looked and noticed I cant start any topics or reply to any of the forsale forums...why???????
  14. Why cant I answer any posts in the livestock section of this site now? I can in any other section bar the livestock 1. Thanks in advance
  15. There cant be any serious hunter who would be proud to show this shit to anyone, let alone post it on youtube. I think its the work of anti`s hoping to show ALL hunters in a bad light.
  16. 100% right and I know what type I would rather be feeding. If I buy a puppy and he is not up to the job I bought him for when he gets older, should I have to keep this dog for his whole life time? No! I bought him as a working dog and if he dont work what good is he to me?? And before everyone blames the owner for the dog not working right, that is the true in some cases but not all. I definately wouldnt keep a working dog that wasnt up to his job out of sentiment, if you have a dog that is a good worker and a pet then alls well and good, but at the end of the day if you want a worker i
  17. 2 X a day, Half their ration in the morning and the other half in the evening
  18. just out of interest... how come some members are allowed to sell for friends and some not. This isnt a pop at anyone, especially you hard digging, just I see all posts selling for friends are locked straight away except this 1. Thanks berty1
  19. Do Scottish Police have the power to take your dogs for having a deer in your freezer???? Surely there must be more in to it? Look at the Sun newspaper today there are a dozen or more, most wanted faces in there, all foreign and most for rape and sexual assult cases. This country needs to get its priorities right I think.
  20. They are just average (below average in some cases) rabbiting dogs, nothing more nothing less.
  21. Its clear in the South east corner at the moment. Dont have a lamping dog anymore though, so it dont bother me.
  22. I agree with what you are saying about you should have to be a member to view members profiles but many of the guests might just be people surfing and looking, there are alot of people in the world and this site is on the WWW., admittedly some might be antis but surely not all of them??? The only way to work around it is to lock the site altogether unless you become a member. just a thought.
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