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Jamie m

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Everything posted by Jamie m

  1. A good prolonged cold spell and they abort there young and reingest the goodness from the fetus , but if this Cary's on there will be fluff balls by January . I was out yesterday and the nettles were sprouting new growth : /
  2. Had two today ready to drop any day : ( hoping we get a real good cold spell ASAP
  3. Good stuff dan sounds like it's loaded
  4. Good going keep us posted in the reports section look forward to it ,
  5. I had a trip down memory lane a few years back thinking I was 18 again my head was in tatters for weeks . Long gone now the old days . Who knows what treats lie install for generation e when we get old dementia no doubt .
  6. Follow theses steps collar won't come off
  7. If its gonna come away when caught, you gonna lose it. More holes in the collar, tight fit. Job done. Never had a slip since adding more holes. The more stuff hanging off a ferret, the more chance its got of getting caught up or disturbing the nets. I intended to leave the normal collar on but have an extra strap attached to it with velcroI make all my own collars and the holes are much closer than the norm but I would still like an extra security Sam
  8. I can't get the link with this new you tube ap : ( it's called an introduction to the mk3,by simon whitehead
  9. Look on YouTube simon whitehead does a demo with the mk3 been up a few times this topic . I was t confident with the collars till I was shown by someone,and they put new holes in for me to . There's no clear instruction when you buy a brand spanking new mk3 for your hard earned dollar ,and as we respect our little critters so much I was worried about it being to tight .
  10. I just pmd rake about on here I now have permision everywhere there's rabbits in my area he just said crack on no permission slips or nothing
  11. My mate lost one once I found it though it's a nightmare if there's a few tubes crossing above each other and loose dirt : / covering the collar .
  12. Saves any worry terrifies the shite out of the silly brigade when they hear thundering coming in on them though lol
  13. To old to box groves again as said should walk or he's just making himself look greedy if takes a big money easy win retire ,,
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