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Jamie m

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Everything posted by Jamie m

  1. Keep at it its just a phase , they have loads of energy to burn off lol so don't want to be made a fuss of it will pass but keep up the handling Myne are on turbo at the min even after being fed : )
  2. Get into dwarf French beans there magic and no need for sticks the purple ones are lovely raw to , plat a row side by side and they grow against each other , grew some last year fool proof they were ,
  3. One thing I found was by the time the fruit ripened and fell it's all ready very damp ie autumn and they didn't keep to long had to be eaten sharpish ,
  4. Seems an awful lot to do when some folks did it a long time ago and the fruits of there labour are about today : )
  5. Might start polishing me boots tonight ?????
  6. Well this cooler spell and damp air has got me absolutely buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming season more so than the past few , Got a load of new gear and this years new recruits are shaping up nice , going to spend a good bit of the rest of the light evenings looking for new permission that's how buzzing I am lol , Anyone else feeling it ,
  7. Just get a wood burning stove in there and screw the mrs : ) Edited to add very nice
  8. Tidy will they have part of the shed to ??
  9. Hows it bred Gaz?Wheaten grey x collie bull grey mate. Very nice how sit looking now ?
  10. that is pure class,great photo,Too right, brilliant photo! I third thAt
  11. Tenants super .?????? No pg tips of course
  12. Well bit of an update we're getting close : ) I've had a few shines round the field since I posted not slipped the dog much , the other night there was one a good way out I was heading to it side on but the dog hadn't seen it I slipped him anyway the rabbit moved and ye mutt carried on in a straight line towards the trees : / Tonight was improvement I've been going on and making sure the covers well behind us , I've not been using any noises I use in the daytime as this has him doing a u turn and looking at the bushes , Anyhow must use a bit of rope as a slip doh , there was two slap bang c
  13. Little black uns a cracker less bull and I'd be tempted : )
  14. Hey up soapy any ferreting gear for sale pm us if so cheers j
  15. The majority of that lots on YouTube allready , shooting times : ) seen it all lol
  16. Once he realises there part of the team your nearly there might be a few ferreting trips on the lead tho . But that old adage soon clicks ferrets go in rabbits come out ferrets go in rabbits come out : ) let him see you holding them gradually getting nearer to him with lots of correction if he snaps for them , I did it with a two year old and like said ferret goes in rabbit comes out lol ,
  17. Not so sure about the music : ( hope it's not on it or won't be getting a copy,
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