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Jamie m

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Everything posted by Jamie m

  1. Just smear your face in honey ?? that should keep them away from hutches ?????
  2. Plenty rabbits not far from Slough ; )
  3. Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie , was actually rook , they would climb the trees to the nests just before they fledged , nice tender breast meat . Lol
  4. Still got an albino hob kit going in Surrey 11 weeks old
  5. Had it last year hob three times the size all other kits dead, three Jills to : ( all normal size but dead ,
  6. Got some eu angora micros off take you can have, Oh sorry can't have them no visas for them now we ain't part any more .
  7. Game dealer by me was paying £2.00 for a ferreted healthy rabbit back end of last season : ) , Where I go beating the game dealer wouldn't even take partridge away , and was paying only 50p a brace of pheasant ,
  8. Yes lol Ferrets now in shade all summer do no need to worry
  9. Run it under the cold tap , if poss move hutch to shade
  10. Sounds like you could be busy with her this season
  11. Still got albino hob kits going here in surrey , the gum tree brigade have all dropped off the earth ?
  12. Lol. .. Don't be listening to my aged assistant .. He's too tight to spend money on boxes etc etc .. His locator is a piece of string and a couple of paper cups .. His box is a pair of his silken stockings from his other job as a lady of the night. My box is so much more cleaner and black .. Unlike his green festering mosh pit . And my ferrets are half mink because Rake said it was the future ... Like " garlic bread ". PS .. Who's was top scorer last season ? I rest my case your honor Did you get em off One of them falconry sites vin ???
  13. Bump ready next week Two left if any ones interested ready next weekend 8th July onwards
  14. Wow someone's Guna be chuffed this season ,
  15. Delivery by air ambulance to expensive ,
  16. How someone so embarrassing at a World Cup can then get a four year contract is beyond me .
  17. No but row z took a good peppering ????
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