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About symnsm

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Just to add, my lurcher lives outdoors in his kennel still and she has no problem with him.
  2. I had 2 dogs but now only the one (sadly I lost my jack russell just before xmas) however she never once complained about the dogs in the last 5 years of me living here.
  3. I think the main problem is that my garden is only small approx 20ft x 12 ft and whenever shes out in her back garden she can see it playing. But to cover my ass I think its best done if i dont want prying eyes snooping around my garden. I think the old bags moaning just because she doesn't like ferrets if im honest but there you go.
  4. He is the only ferret i've got and to be honest the only reason im possibly looking to getting him done is that my neighbor complained about the smell last year. I personally couldnt give a flying hoot, but the Mrs is moaning.
  5. As the titles says, im wondering if castrating the male will slow his hunting instinct down ?
  6. Does anyone know anywhere in North Bristol where I can take my lurcher to run rabbits ? My current permission is depleted of rabbits due to myxomatosis killing them all off.
  7. Yes I agree Tomo just found it strange that ive never seen rabbits so riddled. Like Qbgrey said lets hope a cold spell might kill them off.
  8. if thats whats needed then so be it. The ones hes been catching have left him with fleas. I use advantage flea treatment now it seems very good, also now I keep a flea collar on the dogs at all times. Seems to be the only way i can keep the fleas in check !
  9. Guys the rabbits ive been catching this year are full of fleas. Is this because of myxi ? I say that because earlier this year the dog was catching and bringing em back to me, and all the ones that had myxi had fleas. Anyway the myxi seemed to die off along with the rabbits that had it, and now the rabbits the dogs catching are full of fleas as well, but seem myxi free. Any ideas ?
  10. Well im just going to have to change to a different permission and hope that's not been affected......Yet
  11. Yep thats the same for me, first year of rabbit numbers being up in over 4 years and then the dreaded returns.
  12. My pup will be nine months on sept 1st. This week hes caught 5 rabbits, but the last 3 have had myxomatosis. The last one he caught was in a right state.(pic below) I know its not going to do the pup any harm, (its all experience.) But this is the first time myxomatosis seen it badly around the north Bristol area for a while. How does this compare with everyone else? Are you experiencing much myxomatosis.
  13. Im looking for someone near to Thornbury (North Bristol) to go ferreting with. Is anyone out there that can help ?
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