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Everything posted by mooster

  1. mooster


    Lots of my best warrens have been affected but I get a lot of sport from taking the odd rabbit in small isolated,hard to net warrens. I suppose ferreters are natural oppotunists!
  2. "Game on"boys!!!! No biting,kicking or high stilletos!
  3. Better English than some of the people on here! Welcome.
  4. Welcome aboard.Enjoy your browsing.
  5. Well done,a lot of my permission is hedges with thorns and brambles as well but I find the extra effort makes the bag all the more satisfying!
  6. This is the first time a dog owner has put up a post without describing his dogs in any way shape or form!! As already said.The best thing would be to speak to friends who may have surplus meat.
  7. Age 6 stalked my first rabbit armed with a red metal spade I brought back from the seaside-learned that mixy makes them deaf and blind! Teenage years,in pursuit of coney (in between pursuit of girlies)! Twenties/30's.Persuade dissaproving wife to let me buy 12 bore for pigeon shooting and bunny stalking. Forties.Graduate to owning and working my own ferrets. 50? 60? 70? ? Even if I have to use one of those disabled buggies I will always need to hear pigeons dropping in at dusk,the rumble of a bolting rabbit,the sight of a ferret dissapearing down the hole. Can you get off
  8. Some interesting finds! Only L.Lloyd could use a thread like this to have a go at oldies!!!
  9. mooster

    Car insurance

    Had this with my son a few years ago.The companies see you as a high risk until aged 21 regardless of the age or power of the car. There is no easy answer.As usual it's the scum who don't bother getting insured who have the easy ride.A £50 fine if they get caught. My mates wife was hit by an uninsured smackhead and it has devastated them financially as well as knowing the other driver won't pay any fines imposed.
  10. A few weeks ago I was clearing brambles in a wood to prepare for ferreting when I noticed a carrier bag hidden in a ditch under brambles and ferns. I took a cautious look inside fearing I had stumbled across something terrible. :sick: When I tipped the contents onto the ground,out fell a selection of ladies underware,some porn and scariest of all a very large er...em..."love aid" (trying to keep this clean) Probably not that unusual, but it made me wonder what things of interest others have found.Maybe a stone-age relic or german bomb when digging down to ferrets (or terriers i suppose).
  11. Unfortunately there are no laws against filming from the highway. There are plenty of laws against threatening people with violence though,and if he showed that footage to the police prosecutions under the public order act would be easy.
  12. Just goes to show numbers aint everything.The soil up there looks very black! Cheers,Mooster.
  13. Welcome to the forum Bill.
  14. About 3 weeks ago there was an advert on the wall inside the shooting shop in tavistock.Worth a try. This time of year there are usually some available at woodside rescue centre in plympton. Good luck.Mooster.
  15. Congratulations! My two are in their late teens now.My tip? hide any money away that you have now!!!!!
  16. When I started I took out some good books from the local library for free. Make sure they are written for hunting and not just pampering stuff. Getting on this website is a great help.Just search for the word you want because just about every element of ferreting has been discussed in a thread here somewhere!
  17. Just goes to show,something different happens on every trip! Bet your little dog was pleased to get home! Chatting to other dads at the school gate "what have you been up to today mate"? where do you start?!!!
  18. Best of luck to both of you. Everyone moans about the state of youth in this country.I'm convinced the answer lies in dads who care enough to share. I'm in my 40's now but can vividly remember experiences like this which my old man took the time to share with me.Regardless of wether we caught anything or not. Well done! Mooster.
  19. Welcome to the forum Woodsmoke
  20. Why do you want to "start shooting and hunting"? What do you want to shoot or hunt? Why do you want to shoot and hunt? Where are you intending to shoot and hunt?
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