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Everything posted by mooster

  1. mooster


    Yep! Nice one
  2. About the milk...I've weaned two litters and in my experience it's the age old reply to these questions...just let nature take it's course. Just look at all the books and tv programmes giving advice on how to wean baby humans,but when was the last time you met an adult human or animal that had not learned to eat solid food?
  3. I used to go out when i was a teenager with my mate and his dads ferrets but that is completely different from your first trip with one of your own....and possibly on your own! I'm with Molly on this one..I was terrified i would never see my little stray jill again. BUT.What a thrill when she bolted her first rabbit for me on that day.A very small couple of holes but we caught our first rabbit.The thrill was enormous! I also had an overwhelming feeling of "partnership" between me and my ferret...we did it together and i'm sure she looked to me for approval as she emerged from the hole j
  4. mooster


    Yep,like that!
  5. Mine enjoyed dried food soaked in milk then mashed up when it was soft.
  6. first litter 5 hobs 3 jills second litter 4 hobs 5 jills Running total hobs 69 jills 47.
  7. mooster

    big hobs

    In my experience big hob means tangled up nets.My jills can usually fit through the nets which makes a big difference to me as i hunt alone and don't need my nets messed around with! "Each to their own "
  8. If you haven't already,try listening to "talk sport" on the radio early Sat and Sunday mornings. They are always talking about carp fishing all over the country.
  9. mooster

    Rabbit Calling

    Very interesting thread .Like others i've "squeaked"foxes towards the barrell before but never a coney. If I may change the subject very slightly....I remember as a kid stalking rabbits one easter morning and became invisible. The early morning sunrise was dazzling them from behind me and with the wind in the right direction i remained undetectable. I had no gun in those days. Probably old news for more experienced rabbiters but something else for those new to field craft to consider so thought I would add it on this thread.
  10. After seing those there's no way i'm displaying my lash up on here!! I say be original and keep your eyes open for new things for them to climb in/on/up/under etc. I keep adding to mine everytime i see something usefull on a skip...bits of pipe, plastic crates,ropes,boxes, bags,suitcases,etc.and add extra boxes all over the place.Then throw them away when worn out. Mine live in a hutch made from old chest of drawers and play/eat/ poop in a hutch made from pallets and scraps of wood. So far they haven't threatened to move out because i haven't spent enough money on materials...thank God!
  11. mooster


    Welcome And enjoy your hunting.
  12. Welc u m [bANNED TEXT]!!!!!!!!! Thats about as near to "text talk" i can manage i'm afraid. WELCOME in plain language!
  13. Welcome back to the frosty mornings,rainy afternoons and windy evenings in the outdoors! You just can't beat it can you?
  14. Welcome mate! We can all learn something from others.Hope you enjoy your time on here.
  15. Welcome aboard matey! If you're using your lurchers for hunting why not share your experiences with the rest of us on the appropriate site? Enjoy yourself anyway!
  16. Thanks for the numerous replies.Some daft ones amongst them!!!!
  17. Must admit i'm not that keen on the smell of an excited hob in season but it's not a horrible smell. My jills smell really delicious when they have just emerged from their bed of hay and i cant resist smelling thier fur.....as usual my human family just stand at a distance shaking their heads!! My job takes me into lots of peoples houses......now a house that smells of cats..that's what i call disgusting...or the smell of a reptile house. So i say our ferrets have nothing to be ashamed of,male or female.
  18. AHHHHH! Takes me back !
  19. Thought I would just say to Ditch.....you recently recomended the chicken "chub" dog food available in the shops as it contains ground up bones and sinew etc. My ferrets love it mixed with their chicks/raw rabbit etc and their stools are still very healthy looking. So i woild pass on the recomendation as a "mixer" at least,cheap,easy,favoured by ferrets and appears to be a good dietary supplement when road kill and shot bunnies are a bit low in the summertime. Give it a try!....No i'm not a rep for chub food! Just believe in positive feedback when it's due.
  20. The last thing they care about is a sore neck...i say let nature take it's course!
  21. I've just noticed the piece of wood goes up his arse and comes out his side
  22. Could't agree more.This was covered in the Uk Suday independant on 3rd June with the claim that the kid had taken loads of shots at the boar which took 3 hours to dieas his pistol was too small. Thanks for nothing fat kid!
  23. All the best and welcome aboard
  24. Welcome aboard,hope you enjoy the stuff here!
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