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sitting bull

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About sitting bull

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    wild west
  • Interests
    ferreting, lamping
  1. all in good working order will swap for 15ft ferret collars or mk3 box and collar pm me with offers thanks location manchester
  2. tried to pm you but your inbox is full mate
  3. 4 gun shotgun cabinet, great condition 4 keys, no longer needed, £60 or swap for WHY north west
  4. http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/police-seized-megan-stammers-mobile-phone/
  5. on the news tonight apparently a few months ago they were seen coming back from a school trip to america hand in hand . and he was under investigation, maybe the authorities should have acted sooner.
  6. lamped and hunted anglesey for years, and know lots of lads over that way, as well has hound packs, and never seen one,,,,
  7. i would put a price on it mate,,,,, if someone wants a good dog,, they will be willing to pay for it in my opinion,,,
  8. yeah, just looked on site, they are now 130, bought from gun shop, for 150, open to offers,,
  9. on a serious note.............with all countrys involved having nuclear weapons. there probably wouldnt be a war,,,,the planet would be blown to bits,,,,,,
  10. thank f**k for that, dont think i could bear seeing city winning premier league again unbearable
  11. 26 years of his life looking for that one bit of evidence, and he takes a picture of what looks like a floating log, time to pack it all in fella,,,,
  12. Your are probably correct "twatty stinkwank" theres a good few pricks on this site, believe me ive met a few . and they all get found out in the end, your advertisement says it all,,,,takes all legal quarry,,,,,so its a rabbit dog,,,, now toddle off to your mummy, WHAT GOES ROUND COMES ROUND FELLA
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