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Everything posted by poacherman

  1. would help if you had a running dog bullmastiff lol
  2. just a topic to get some information and opinions on parson jack russels. thinking of getting one in the next few month when a get my house. al be using it for digging and bushing. what do yous think atb poacherman
  3. in that case your better just keeping your lurchers as pets then because everytime your lurcher chases something its got a risk of breaking leg or hitting something and killing itself. if that bit a ground is too hard too run am sure theres plenty a places you could take your dog for a bit of daywork. ma 12month old lurchers been out constant in the snow and its not grumbled once. nicks here and there but still running good. atb poacherman
  4. misty your just a complet idiot of a man. so what your saying is people shouldnt sell pups. away and get your head checked. if a ever bred any of ma dogs one would be getting kept back and the rest would be getting sold or if a family member or a close friend wanted they would be gave one. people have been breeding dogs for years and there top breeders all over scotland selling the best best field trial champion lines. what should they do just breed there field trial champions and just give them all away rather that get 600 a pup. a know what anybody with half a brain would be doing. uve just
  5. what yous all crying about. ur dogs pads should be hard enough to handle the hard ground. ave been out constant in the snow with my lurcher and springer. get some wee nicks on there pads that heal up over night. ave actually done great from the snows came. got 5 last wk then another 2 a couple a days later then another 4 the day and ma lurchers still a pup. that was just out a walk with the spaniel and the lurcher. a wouldnt go lamping in this weather, theres been no wind and a bit bright and your obv going doing stand out like a sore thumb in the white snow. suggest yous get road walking with
  6. the only thing that stops is my ferrets and if its too hot for the dogs. iether than that am out hunting atb poacherman
  7. a man a i use to know was mad about terriers for years. he had some realy strong terriers. i was only a teenager when a seen him coming back from a days digging. dogs faces smashed to bits. heard a lot of what he done with his terriers. this man use to inbreed his terriers. never ever bred with other dogs just his own. son to mother, sister to brother. it was madness. but all his dogs were strong looking middleton looking terriers. some of the best terriers ave ever seen, look wise because a never seen them work to first hand, just seen the state they were in when he came back. this man would
  8. how do a lot of people try and slate the plummer dogs. a dont see any of yous guys with a strain of dogs going back over 30 years. the man must have done something right if his dogs are still going about the now. a lot of yous just jump on the band wagon with the rest of the mouths on this site, keyboard hunters who have proberly never seen a good plummer terrier work at first hand. al be honest ave not seen one but a would give one a try. the gamekeeper up at the beat a go to has two wee bitches which he says are handy with the foxes and rats and no complaints. there not still goin about fo
  9. what a load of pish. lucky if u get a hundred ppl. the bans here and staying. just need to kepp hunting rabbits and rats with our lurchers
  10. bullmastiff are u off yer head. a would never feed any of my dogs full rabbits with guts in them. your dog would be riddled with worms. when am gutting ma rabbits i always make sure the dogs are locked up afore a start gutting them so they dont get near the guts. this site is gettin worse
  11. we dont stay in the usa lol. get a good running dog instead of messing around with your stupid mastiffs and bulls. am sick of seein them in the papers for killing young kids. it wont be long till you will need a license for them and the rest will be destroyed the way theve destroyed young kids faces in the past. ferreting with a english bull. try doing it without nets. your 7 year old boys better chance of chasing n catching them. hunting with mastiffs. take your bullshit elsewhere
  12. shut up mushroom. u wouldnt show up and any good lurcher men or gundog men with your mastiff. so go away and preach somewhere else. mastiffs will never make good hunting dogs.
  13. what a load a crap. whoever thinks they can use mastiffs for runnin dog they are needing there head checked. get a grip boys this is suppose to be a hunting site
  14. lovely dogs there. best breed for a lurcher a would say atb
  15. spot on there mate, terriers are unpredictible.
  16. doesnt look like its out of good running dog lines to me. fucken lump of wood if u ask me
  17. nice looking pup mate and looks fine to me, a wouldnt pay attention to that idiot, proberly just another keyboard hunter atb
  18. thats what you call a well bred patterdale. belters both of them atb mate
  19. am sure a lurcher cross caught keanos wee lakeland terrier one year and ma friend got a pup of it. black dog a bit leggy but it was some hunter. for tracking quarry it was great. ended up getting knocked down one day walking bk from a days hunting. u might be lucky and get a awrite wee dog out it atb mate
  20. a do a lot a daytime work with my lurcher and springer. most ave had is 3 the now but thats only local a dare say a would do better on better ground. hard to get a good bit a permission with the lurcher nowadays. a would would going out during the day with my spaniel and lurcher. its great watchin them work together atb john
  21. you should only be half way through training your dog. at that age you should be just putting a rabbit skin on your dummy. if you take your time with your dog and do the training and let it mature you will end up with a good dog. a let ma pup on its first rabbit at 9 months old. in a way a thought to maself it was still a bit early but a done a lot of training with my dog and and dummy work which a thought it matured my dog a bit quicker and a knew it was ready. take a step back mate and let it be a pup, uve got all the time in the world. good things come to them who wait atb johnbhoy
  22. wrong section mate. should have posted in the terrier section because there no running dog
  23. saluki grey whippet grey. would always go for the saluki in it for the coursing. wee pic of mine of this breed atb
  24. aye ma spaniels bringing the wee dog on a lot,cheers mate atb poacher
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