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Everything posted by poacherman

  1. there wee crackers of pups, would love one of them atb poacherman
  2. that is a fine looking pup. atb poacherman
  3. simple sollution mate, go on to glasgow field sports and buy one, top qaulity.
  4. should make good dogs they pups catcher, it will be in good hands anyway atb poacherman
  5. its like that where i live. stick the lamp on and there 5 or 6 hares in the one park. during the day its just as good. they sit clamped till your about 10 yards away from them. hare city atb poacherman
  6. awrite mate, a got a good slip lead that season there, its a realy good one, its black real leather and the release bit is good qaulity. its £28.99 bit you pay for for you get. a would highly reccomend them. www.glasgowfeildsports.co.uk atb poacherman
  7. should make good dogs mate, look nice and strong for 3 weeks, hope you find them good working homes atb poacherman
  8. not been funny mate how about cocker x springer atb keano good pups, sires father is kingcott del and the sires a nice wee worker aswell atb
  9. its still march the now, al be out this saturday night, last serious night proberly
  10. the past few years in scotland there has not been that lot of rabbits at the places a went except from a place a went to in perth. ive also heard the orkneys are getting big problems with rabbits and a man asked me to go up to the isle of lewis to help out with pest control on the rabbits but thats six hours away from me, might go up for a bit of camping at the end of the summer tho. the roe deer population is rising fast tho atb poacherman
  11. slip lead, couple of spliffs, a lighter, juice and a few packs of crisps and a mars bar in the game bag
  12. was having a talk with my friend the other day there about what country was the best for hunting and he says it would be scotland but am not that sure because ave not done any outside scotland. would like to do a bit in other parts of britain or ireland but it would have to be on places without permission. what do yous think is the best country and places for hunting any qaurry atb poacherman
  13. good sport to bring your wee dog on and great retrieve. atb
  14. cracking dog, in realy good shape atb
  15. thats fair enough if you put it that way, you just seemed a bit forward in that post, good luck with the dog atb poacherman
  16. yes i do think good pedigree pups should be sold for money and other pups that are not pedigree but have came from good stock and sire and dam have proved themselvs. think about the men and women who have put all there work in to there gundogs and made in to a feild trial champion. do they not deserve to make some money back or do you just want them to breed there champion dog and give all the pups away for nothing. all that training and hard graft through the years with the dog then bringing up the pups hes bred to make big healthy pups to just give away for nothing, even the chance of starti
  17. what do u think of her moo
  18. al be doing a bit of fishing, mostly the clyde and the odd time up the river earn hopefully. ma lurcher will go most times a go fishing and al have the dogs out for a bit of light bushing a few times a week atb poacherman
  19. that is absolute cracker of a dog, want one like that atb poacherman
  20. whin why do you always put your post in to something like its a mans right eating fresh game. killing a deer then sticking it right on the bbq with a slab of beers to wash it down. catching a hare and making hare soup that night with a big lovely blonde wanting some sitting with no clothes on. your full of shite mate or hugh hefnor is inviting me over for some rabbit pie with some of his ladys. wake up and smell the coffee and stop talking so much bullshit
  21. a like a springer or a cocker for bushing. they can work all day long. atb poacherman
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