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Everything posted by poacherman

  1. poacherman its only right to make sure a dog gets a good home and to ask a modest sume of cash often will ensure that the new owner can provide properly for the dog not all people are as good as our selfs or there would be no rspca plonkers in there little vans colin i agree with you mate but just some people tried to question the man when he said the dog was rounding his little boy up because he can smell a different scent from the boy because hes diabetic. dogs are well knowing to do that. to me its a genuine sale but people are trying to make out hes at it poacherman
  2. too many know it alls on this thread. too quick at bringing people down making them look like idiots. hope you find a good home for your dog. when i seen free dog when a clicked on the lurcher forum a knew the person who put it up would be getting roasted one way or the other, so predictible. fannys
  3. my spaniel would go through nettles all day long for me when were out, sometimes a feel sorry for him because it must hurt him, but hes a working dog and hes doing his job and he loves it. my lurcher hated them but has got use to them aswell. in time they just learn how to deal with it. i have a lot of respect for working dogs because they would go through a brick wall for there owners atb poacherman
  4. as the other replys say just leave it and it gets use to it. a read a topic on here before and a man took his 2 dogs to the vet because his dogs were whining from the nettles that day. the vet took 130 quid of him for his worries, terrible. a was out walking with the dogs the other day there and tripped up and fell right in to a bunch of fresh nettles. nettle stings all over my hand and up all of my arm. it took a good while to calm down atb poacherman
  5. i have a saluki x and i never had much problems during training or now. played up a few times but what pup doesnt. its recall is great, never hear it when its in the kennel. the only problem a had was when it went on the break. it was doing great with the rabbits and it just fell away to nothing but now its back to its usual self again. but a just put it down to it being confused with going on the break because it was her first time breaking down at 13months. the salukix is a great cross and there realy good hunters and good companions. loved reading through this topic and some good replys
  6. i agree with you mate. if we went to the vets eveytime our dogs we got a cut off barb wire we would be skint. veternary wound powder does the trick. had a few bad ones with my dog lately atb poacherman
  7. cheers, thats her settled in now. carrys on all day with the other lurcher. if it goes to plan she might be ready for the last two months of the new season. see what happens tho poacherman
  8. a wouldnt even think of taken my ferrets out this time of year. as much as i miss it over the summer months a still wouldnt do it poacherman
  9. thats a cracking wee pup. a would snap it up if a was you. comes from good lines atb poacherman
  10. me and a few of the mates are going up to loch fad on monday. first time going up. anybody fished it this season or in the past and how did yous get on. looking forward to it atb poacherman
  11. cracking dog youve got there mate atb
  12. adam its going to be a lump of a dog. its like mastiff pup. but you know everything. put it this way it wont be hare dog
  13. ferreting this time of year is a bit of a disaster aswell. hope uve got the locator and spade in hand atb poacherman
  14. each to there own mate and am not trying to bring you or your dog down but a would say theres a bit to much bull in that pup to make it fast enough to use as a running dog. maybe thats the way you want it tho. nice wee pup tho atb poacherman
  15. cheers mate, the dam was a salukixgrey and the sire is 3/4 grey 1/4 collie atb poacherman
  16. over the last few months my dads been taking my lurcher out with him when taking his spaniels out. hes been in to gundogs and shooting for over 30 years and never realy thought much of lurchers. but he took a right shine to mine and takes it out when he can. he even went out a few times lamping aswell. anyway the other day there he ended going and getting his own. its a cracking wee bitch. hes done well with his gundogs so a dont see a problem with him training a lurcher. just needs to be a bit firm. dam was a salukixgrey and the sire was 3/4grey 1/4collie atb poacherman
  17. cracking bit of ground uve got there mate atb poacherman
  18. dog knows it job well. lovely dog aswell atb poacherman
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