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Everything posted by poacherman

  1. this is the bitch am running next season. done well in her first season and done everything i asked from her. had her out in the front garden in the sun and took a few pics, first ones a cracker a think atb poacherman
  2. train your dogs first. let the dog enjoy its puppy life first and find its feet. then uve still to train the dog which could take several months. a never showed my dog a rabbit till it was nearly 9months and a was worrying incase that was still too early. anybody could do what yous are doing. get a pup and just let it chase all the time. i love training my dogs and getting them ready to hunt. anybody can just slip a dog atb poacherman
  3. phoned the shop i got it from and explained what happened and ave to take it into them tomorrow, al try and get a new lamp but if not al just get ma mate to sort it, hes a elictrican and said it would be no bother to do atb poacherman
  4. a mind you put that picture up when yous got it at the start. yous have done realy well. nice to see the dog healthy again atb poacherman
  5. cheers stevie. am going to try a new fuse in it first. ma friend taped most of the wire up for me. when it cut out i was standing still just watching the the cubs. it wasnt like the wire got a tug or that atb poacherman
  6. smashing looking dog and looks like it has no problems catching the rabbits. great pictures atb poacherman
  7. how do you go about re wiring them atb poacherman
  8. was out a walk with the dog and lamp the other night there. came across some fox cubs and was just sitting watching them playing away. was watching them for a wee while with the lamp on them and it cut out and the cable seemed a bit hot. its a brand new striker lamp. has this happened to anybody or does anybody what could be wrong with it atb poacherman
  9. moo what you getting so worked up about
  10. well done lads, i wouldnt bother about the jealous comments atb poacherman
  11. you cant train a dog to mark holes, it just comes naturally. had my lurcher out for its first season there and done a lot of ferreting. she just started marking holes after 5months of ferreting with her. my spaniel was marking the holes for me but a would let the lurcher pup have a good sniff about before i put the ferret down and just kept doing that at every warren i done and she finally stared marking them. some i was going to and she would mark them and the spaniel wouldnt. i would say the spaniel was a staedy marker but just to keen to keep working and hyper. the lurcher tends to put it f
  12. these topics are getting worse, your dogs must be monkeys if your thinking about having other peoples dogs in your kennels.
  13. lovely dog uve got yourself, hope it works out for u atb poacherman
  14. hope you find her a good home jamie atb poacherman
  15. stop thinking your a hardman or youl get your eyes poked out Ok pet you win you know nothing about dogs, ur one of they bullshitters everybody avoids
  16. stop thinking your a hardman or youl get your eyes poked out
  17. dread u must be as daft as joe ox.
  18. I will bet any of your dogs wont kill 6 out of 6 hares with a lamp on them or a motor behind them for as much as you like. well said joe, i was out not long ago and some hares are as hard at night as day in some places these blind men who sit behind computers cant and will never see that what a load of pish, a during the day hare is harder than a lamped hare. not got a clue
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