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Everything posted by poacherman

  1. it was just a normal man out walking his dog, nothing to do with working dogs, 3 turns just talks shite, anything for a topic
  2. 3 turns your always talking shite mate, bet your a right tit
  3. nearest youve ever came to catching a fish was crabs ya dobber hahahahaha hit a nerve there lol, yer a salmon poacher
  4. a would say saluki greyhound collie greyhound, hes definetly a collie greyhound and u can see theres some saluki in him with his arched back and pinned back ears, no bull in him tho, cracker of a dog anyway
  5. dont listen to springerboy, hes gets his rods n tackle from lidls, he never buys a permit either, wouldnt show him a birds nest
  6. down at berwick for the wkend and took the rod with me, whats the best spinner to use, ave always use a dexter, is flying cs any good
  7. a got 2nd in that one mate with the 3/4 bred saluki, well done
  8. its obvously not been bread for fast game you tit so whats it for then because if its slow it wont catch foxes, nae good for rabbits hares or deer, nae point having a slow dog that cant catch anything, unless u run him doubled up with a faster dog which could be a waste of dog meat and space in your kennel. if it was me and wanted a dog like that it would be 3/4 grey 1/4 bull. it would catch and despatch itself. save you a lot of hassle. you tit
  9. got new pup lastnite, hes 6 months old, grand parent is timsgarry valtos and great grand parents is timsgarry kelly and black mamba is in the pedigree aswell, my dad gave me it lastnite because hes bred his springer and keeping two from it as he prefers springers, al give him a month till he gets use to me and the kennel before a do anything with him, he sat outside its box in the kennel all night. lying oan the slabs and wouldnt go in, should be ok in a few night, get some pics up later to show yous atb john
  10. yes this dog took supreme and well deserved it a would say u got it wrong there mate why that mate well to me it was the best dog on the day I was thinking the same i was chuffed my wee dog came scond to him edited to say the dog that won deserved it cause dog thats proved him self over a number of seasons should surely deseve it should it no? nah am winding yous up, a hardly even seen the terriers. enjoyed ma day out, thanks again
  11. yes this dog took supreme and well deserved it a would say u got it wrong there mate
  12. yous are like a crowd a bitching women in a sweetie factory. go and give your women a good ride and shut up lol
  13. going to the game on sunday, ma big dog would have stole the show aswell, hope everything runs well and yous get the weather for it. atb john
  14. thats a cracker of a pup. best one ave seen in a while, hope it does well for ye mate atb john
  15. just see there on the internet after a mate told me about yesterdays paper. they videod themselfs out hare coursing and got 3 infront of the camera, now the police are wanting them. a bit daft putting it on camera. what do yous think http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/3521905/Cops-set-to-probe-gypsies-seen-taking-part-in-hare-coursing-on-TV.html
  16. hes 2 n half now, picture was took when he was about 1 but hes filled out a bit, got him down at doncaster from a man ron lodge if am right
  17. nice line this, my dads got one with the similar lines, sire timsgarry valtos and grandfather black mamba, my dads is a nice sturdy cocker and he lined another bitch which he took a pup from and thats a cracker
  18. take that tae the nearest police station lol
  19. Hope it hunts better than it looks shes no far off a good allrounder, still a young dog. wits that hing in ur profile pic, its needin a pot a mince in to it
  20. dry food doesnt do ma dogs any harm and most dog men a know feed there dogs on dry food and there fit and good on the feild and can last the pace, once a week a give my dogs mince stew and chicken. couldnt feed my dogs the best of stuff everyday, would end up skint, hope u get some shifted mate
  21. a wouldnt get any other lamp except the striker, there the best

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