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Everything posted by tatty

  1. going for the weekend this year so i can have a few beers .
  2. a couple of mine almost finished my full body suit only taken 12 years so far.
  3. look very good when will they be for sale
  4. sunday for the terriers and lurchers a good day out but better if you can do the weekend
  5. www.strongstuff.co or send him a pm he will sort you out top bloke.
  6. try his web site mate sure he makes them.
  7. :welcomeani: hope you like the site.
  8. hi tracy :welcomeani:
  9. i will be there dont no which day yet go most years nice day out and only down the road so not far to go tatty.
  10. if i spot you will come over and say hi il be there with some mates im the one with all the tatts.if you spot me tatty.
  11. cheers hmr17 no shovels in at the moment and dont speak as much shit as some
  12. next weekend sartacus the 18th 11.30am start.
  13. any one going its a good day and some nice dogs there last year not much show shit mostley workers
  14. strong looking dog rio like the look of him
  15. well put jamie g theres alot like monkey love on here at the moment to quick to slag people of with out the facts :wankerzo4:
  16. will pm you the blokes number and you can have a chat with him mate cheers tatty.
  17. a mate i go digging with as asked me to put this on for him lakey/russell about 19 months old nice dog got a few digs under his belt wants £150 for him lives out located in oxfordshire pm for number cheers tatty.
  18. :welcomeani: mate hope you enjoy the site tatty.
  19. heres one me and some mates dug not a bad size dog fox.
  20. does anyone no who was taking the pictures at the show yesterday or have a web adress thanks tatty.
  21. think its saterday the 14 & sunday the 15 of june.
  22. Hi mate im interested in ur spades can u bell me to sort out payment and p+p cheers Liam
  23. my bitch pup that will get a look this year about 5 months in pic.
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