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About jonboy

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. What are the views on using static collars. Cut a long stort short have a 4 year old border dog, have bought him on does really well at most. Year before last i suffered a back injury a few months before i used him for tracking deer on a long line which he excelled at. When i returned just after Christmas gone took him to the local shoot where we had been going for a few years. Kept him to heal as always, till i sent him out a little way to flush the birds, he spotted sheep and was off, he went deaf, returned 10 min later. Took him onto the tops where i know the farmer next door, on a long lin
  2. Thanks again, apologies for last night had to go do m'chores before it got dark. Have checked out a couple of those sites you posted, will take your advice. Love the cold have been dragged around Norway since i was little, coldest i have been was -42c m' grandad always said it was a state of mind, as your face never gets cold!? I think he meant wear a woolly hat, jumper and don't let the fire go out!
  3. The National Health Service pays the morgage, i work with in the Challenging Behaviour services. I can turn my hand to most things and have worked doing all sorts of things from butcher to baker and mountain guide to working on the North sea trawlers (both in Norway). Am a Jack of all Trades, i do gardening / landscaping, seasonal work on the local farms and odd jobs.
  4. In reality my 2 girls are getting older now and have found out about shopping, so would have to be near some shops! I enjoy most things, am mainly motivated by my stomach, however do not think there is much need for ferreting! Like shooting and stalking as i said. One question ... those prairies look good for coursing is all hunting with dogs banned?
  5. Were thinking of starting out in sasatchewan as we have family there (being flat was a concern for me, i like m'hills). Alberta was my second choice due to the Rockies. My first was a either North West terrotries or Yukon, in a log cabin with no one about apart from my family and m'dogs. Cold doesn't bother me, but might m'family. Have to think about mundain stuff like work to start off with, until we get our feet under the table. Do you know any thing about hunting with dogs, does it vary from province to province? (i like m'tracking and watching the dogs work)
  6. Many thanks fella, this country is getting a little crammed. What dogs did he have? My mums family live in Norway and knew a fella when i was young who took them out mushing, something i would like to take up.
  7. I have finally made the decision to up sticks and move my family to Canada. I have been reading the books, looking at goverment site etc but would like some first hand experiences mainly about hunting and the law. I know some laws may vary between provinces and that hunting deer with a dog, even on a lead for tracking is a no no, but does this apply in every province? I have read up on permits etc and wearing of the orange vests! the list of questions goes on and on. I would just like some feedback from anyone that has been there or has lived there please. We intend to go out there for a vis
  8. T-Gel it is if the frontline doesn't do it's job.
  9. All been done and every corner scrubbed. Ta for the feedback. Fingers crossed
  10. They might be a little too small for a photo, but will try. They remind me of those red mites you get but dead and not as red :wacko: Could they be niks from when they are all messing about (I say this because m'terrier had these when the pup had her milk teeth, little scabs) Will sort the straw.
  11. The favorite of m'pack is only a little 'un and has always spent a lot of time ligin' about, but when out she is like something possessed. Lately she is sleeping more than usual and seems to have some redish, non moving, flea sized things on her and is scratching a little. Would appreciate any thoughts
  12. I have a defender 110 300 tdi 1995. Over the years i have topped up the tank with veg oil when i have been skint. I now wish to fill the tank with 1/2 mineral and 1/2 veg oil on a weekly basis what points should I be aware of ?
  13. It was good to meet you too, cheers for the brew... Catch up soon.
  14. Nice looking pup, hope she does well for you.
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