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frankie boyle

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Everything posted by frankie boyle

  1. yea it seems to have gon .... the anti bit made me laugh lolololol :whistling:
  2. was out from berwick upon tweed yeterday got a few but not right yet sea was wild
  3. lolololol is it silly season on here... [bANNED TEXT] i actually go out with my dogs instead of being on this all the time lololololol anti ya knob lololololol if you look at my reply i quoted the other persons views and put mine at bottom :doh: :doh:
  4. would have been a better comparison beetween a roe and a hare .. fallow not in same league as a roe in a big feild..
  5. kirklands chicken and rice from costco great meal fot the price very highly rated
  6. i heard they had decent evidance but case got dropped sharpish i hear the sspca oferring deals i wonder if u took the bait :whistling
  7. whin wer you not just raided for suspision of deer poaching dont think your such a wiley old fox .
  8. this rex dog you go on about not bred the way you say at least be honest . no tor of dartmoor in their im sure my mates dogs the father.
  9. loose lips sink ships. braggers easy caught.
  10. new to site into lurchers and all types of fishing from east coast of scotland
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