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Everything posted by welshphil

  1. Exactly that Ow, he was always my go-to man for anything lurcher related. He had more contacts that the yellow pages fair play
  2. He looked like that when he was 5 - apart from having teeth and no beard lol. Still miss the gobby little b*****d, although his youngest daughter is the image of him
  3. I'm 59 and fortunately still in good health, be lying if I said i didn't have a fair few niggles but I payed rugby for 20 odd years and gym four times a week (mixture of strength and cardio) and do about 50-60 miles a week around the local hills with the lurchers. I could dial it down a bit but where's the fun that lol. Seriously thinking about doing a few Hyrox competitions in'25 to get the competitive juices flowing as I love a challenge. My life motto at the moment is "age is not an excuse to get old." so I intend to squeeze the most of life whilst I can. Iechyd da
  4. Good luck in finding what you want. I'll be in the same boat but i'll be looking for a beddy/greyhound/deerhound hybrid - finger crossed for us both.
  5. 20 odd years of Welsh valleys rugby! Thinking back to some of the really brutal games I played in it's a miracle no-one was killed
  6. Really looks the part as well mate.
  7. I've got a three quarter bred from a long line of workers and he has a coat like a half cross. I'd have another in a heartbeat or would love to put him over a decent deerhound/greyhound.
  8. Vancouver in June to visit my Son, first time for us so really looking forward to it. He's got a nice little itinerary planned which includes a weekend on the Sunshine Coast so we'll get to spend some quality time with him and his Canadian girlfriend - who now considers herself half Welsh lol. Taking the Grandkids to Bulgaria for a week at the end of August and again will enjoy every single minute of that so all in all two cracking holidays to look forward too after a really stressful couple of years.
  9. I was about 13/14 and sat in a maths lesson staring out the window as always. There was a piece of waste ground next to the school covered in brambles and a few trees, a couple of lads appeared with a ferret box and started to lay a few nets, out came the ferret and in no time a rabbit bolted out of the brambles closely followed by a whippet lurcher that i hadn't noticed previously and it took the rabbit in what seemed like a nano second! I was absolutely hooked from that moment on and have kept lurchers for over 35 years. Phil
  10. Same here in the Gwent valleys mate, been a shocking non-summer!
  11. welshphil


    The vast majority of my dogs have been small whippet based lurchers and I reckon the next lurcher will be my last so i want a big hairy beast! Ideally it would be beddygrey x deerhoundgrey hybrid - reckon I might have to start putting the feelers out soon ?
  12. Diolch yn fawr iawn Aled
  13. I'm a bit of a fitness freak and gym four days a week alongside averaging about 50-60 miles a week around the local mountains with the lurchers. Played rugby for more years than was probably good for me and try to get out and watch a local game when I can. I also have two young Grandsons who i take to mini rugby training and gymnastics, also trying to dysgu Cymraeg. Thinking about it I'm not sure where I find time to work lol. Definitely wouldn't have it any other way though, the last few years have shown us that life is very fragile so I'm a firm believer in making hay while the sun shines an
  14. welshphil


    My Son moved to Vancouver in December last year to play a bit of rugby and have a bit of fun. He's previously lived in Melbourne, Auckland and Canterbury but reckons Vancouver is head and shoulders above them. Plenty of work available, locals very friendly, stunning scenery and fantastic facilties. Last weekend was Saturday on the beach and Sunday hiking in the snow. He's said that he's found his spiritual home and will be applying for permanent residency.
  15. I agree - love a beddy cross. ? Do it and reserve a bitch for me please lol
  16. Thank you, much appreciated. The litter is very pleasing to the eye to be honest as are the dogs above ?
  17. Just wondered if anyone has any experience with this cross as there's a litter local to me and i'm a little tempted. The lurchers i've had for the last 30 years or so have been small whippet based dogs for rabbits but as this is potentially my last lurcher i'm tempted to try something a bit bigger. To be honest i'm more of a countryman and environmentalist these days (getting old and soft lol) but fancy something that could potentially take something bigger than rabbits and squirrels. My main concern is the reputation of wheatons being aggressive to other dogs (don't know if that's justified?)
  18. Last year and the year before that we had loads of the b*****d things but this year definitely not as many about. Although to be fair my little beddy whippet has become quite adept at catching them so that might have something to do with it ?
  19. Cracking litter fair play - how they bred? ??
  20. I've got a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy who recently caught his first in a reed bed - he finished it off but it wasn't particularly quick or 'pretty'. Not something i'd want to see him do on a regular basis if I'm honest but he's well up for it and I know instantly when he picks up a scent as his whole body language and demeanor changes into 'seek and destroy mode.' Definitely goes up a gear from when he's on a rabbit or squirrel.
  21. Allright Ow, yeah, they were hit really hard by mixi but have slowly started to re-populate, used to get a few jet black one's off there years ago.
  22. A week to the day after receiving the awful news I decided to pay my own little tribute to my old buttie John - or 'gobby' as he was affectionately known to us by taking a walk out with the lurchers to the forestry and moors above our little village where we spent most of our childhood. In no time time at all those long forgotten memories came flooding back to me, like the time we miraculously found in pound note as we were literally in the middle of nowhere - we invested that wisely in pop and crisps when we got back home ?. Also, the time we saw a couple shagging in the forestry and crept up
  23. You two certainly took a fair few rabbits off that little bank, didn't leave much for the rest of us lol
  24. Having grown up with John he was a lifelong family friend, was best man at my Brothers wedding and a work colleague to myself for the last few years. As young kids our little gang spent god knows how many hours tramping the mountains after rabbits with just my little Jack Russell to keep us company. We caught virtually nothing but spent all day laughing and ripping the piss out of each other - is there a better way to spend your formative years? We also had some great drunken times playing rugby for the village where John was a little tasmanian devil of a hooker, we didn't half rip the piss ou
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