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wilko tango

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Everything posted by wilko tango

  1. Thats the stamp of a bitch i used to own.I regreted getting rid of her do you mind if i ask you who bred yours?
  2. OK.Pre ban would lurchers be capable of taking them?
  3. good stuff.Youve plenty of game to hunt by the sound of things As a matter of interest why dont you want them hunting roo?
  4. If a wheaten could travel setts ye wouldn't have to dig a good 1, it would draw it up onto the sod
  5. as am a terrier man am not going to knock them obviously the true working terrier in my eyes is the bravest of all animals.But come on mate they still had to meet him under ground and am sure if the tubes were big enough in natural earths you would have no probs digging wheatons.Not being smart but if you dont know anything about the breed maybe you should nt comment on it.
  6. great show.How can ya all say theres nothing sporting about that.The dog had to travell 40 or 50 feet up the tube to meet the badger and pull him that would take a good dog to do that.And knowing the wheaton if there was a bear in the end ofthe tube it would still have no probs going in to meet it.To few and far apart these days but still some good lads trying to keep them right.
  7. run the f**k out her i find that normally settles them
  8. fair play to ya Even nicer when you ve bred them yourself
  9. Cheers freelance thanks for the reply.To be honest i really dont mind what height he makes in the end so long as he is doing the job he was bred for.He is well bred he bred from pie stuff on both sides.So am shuvelling the grub into him and plenty of exercise hopelully il have the makings of a half decent dog next year
  10. alright lads just a quick questoin for the more experienced lads of this cross.Although iv owned a couple of bullx crosses before iv never owned one as a pup until now.I aquired him a couple of weeks ago he was 17 weeks old when i got him so he about 19 weeks old now.He is 19 and a half tts.Is this about right for his age as both his parents are 27tts and i kind of hope he makes about the same size.Its not that important wether he does or not i would just like some of your opinions. thanks for taking the time to read
  11. (PRICK)Nobody needs a prick like that about them.Hope you done the right thing and f****d him off
  12. iv mostly hunted on my own with lurchers.I spent many a nite out talking to myself(like my gran used to tell me sure you could nt talk to a nicer person ha ha).But i got alot more caught up in terriers the last few years and started digging with a lad i know but have since fell out with him(CAUSE HE IS A PRICK). But iv beeing digging mostly on my own now and to be honest i could do with a hand but its just to hard to get someone to trust.So for now im on my tod but am always dreding the taughts of a dog stuck somewere that i need help with but i supose when it happens it ll hve to be done.Anyw
  13. what the f**k is that a sanctuary ha ha good pic mate
  14. sure you can say that about any breed of lurcher.The question that needs to be asked if he bred from the right damn and sire.Obviously if he bred from a track hound its obviously not going to have the wind of a big coursing hound or the recovery rate.And for the bull well if you do your homework and get the right one well theres no questioning the stamina
  15. Dont know mate the only thing am sure of is there defenitly in IRELAND ha ha
  16. i used to own a bitch like that a few years ago but mine was a colliex from MS i travelled to the north east of scotland for her
  17. the best lurcher i owned was a bull cross.She worked everything and she was a pleasure to own never a peep out of her.I was gifted the bitch she was 4 years old and i swear you could nt buy one like her.I ended up giving her away after two years game was scarce on the ground and she was nt getting the work she deserved.Plus i was doing alot more digging at the time and the lads would nt entertain a lurcher in the feild with them as in alot of cases land owners dont like to see these dogs around livestock.I missed her when she was gone cause iv always had a lurcher about me so to cut a long sto
  18. going off the subject a bit here but theres lads here in ireland that have lurchers with a strain of the old irish terrier in them and there second to none.I know a man who kept a line of them and they were a game as f**k making easy work of anything that came in front of them and endless stamina. some of the top hare dogs had irish terrier in them i may stand corrected here but i think irish lady had as well
  19. they were all down to this old fella pal(marley),he threw some decent stuff considering he spent most of his days stoned on the settee haha(he was owned by a pot head) you can really see the resembalence but its weird how they all threw very racey as hes a real lump of a dog was there ever any coby bully types no not really mate they were all very much alike,here's a bitch out of remus over his daughter she's a very racy bitch for being 7/16s bull. Smashing dogs mate.IMO there the nicest examples of that cross iv seen in a long time
  20. wheatons have a rep for being temperamental with other dogs.Iv heard stories of wheatons killing terriers from a few differnt lads.Cant be a coincidence when nearly every time you hear bout it happening its from wheatonx
  21. iv never seen it myself mate.But i know a fella who told me he had to dig out his lurcher on numerous occations he could nt bring him out without putting a collar on him.And if you seen the dog in question you would never believe it he 27 tts and a head on him like a bucket
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