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ferreting 22

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Everything posted by ferreting 22

  1. i am looking for a male harris in liverpool can any one put me in tuch whith sume one atb jon
  3. Nice one good day for you atb jon
  4. i am of work and wont a day out ferreting pm me if you fancey it atb ferreting 22 ps on my land i am in liverpool
  5. the hob is ready to go

  6. If your kits are six weeks old they should be out and about with the jill by now and drinking water on their own, all I do is make sure all my drinkers are as low as I can set them, when the jill drinks the kits will pick up how to do it from her, then its just a case of making sure you dont raise or move the drinkers are you feeding dry food? Thay are on meat. Thanks for the advice on the water bottle pal atb jon
  7. the kits are eating meat and thay are 6 weeks just botherd about the drinking
  8. I have dun. All that I meen drinking etc
  9. it is going to the gun shop for £40 if no one interested let me no asap 07837044303
  10. sharp innover not bad condition make me an offer sold sold sold
  11. i will have that jon
  12. look like summer to me in the pic it will be baby rabbits in a nest not fun
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