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big SED

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Everything posted by big SED

  1. No, Your a FANNY BOY!!!!!

  2. Nik, to be honest, she has never really been a big barker as such. If she gets startled by something she will bark a couple of times, but nothing more than any other dog would do. The other Lab we have is a cross so she was a different kettle of fish. She was the disruptive one who was always chewing etc and it got to the point where she became the dominant one, and they were always fighting. We do not leave them in the house together anymore. The Black lab gets the roam of the house where as the Cross gets kept in the kitchen. 2 dogs may keep eath other company, but they may try and tear eac
  3. I agree. Stricter controls on the purchase and ownership of Air Rifles would be of a benefit to the Airgunning community. A License (Not FAC IMO) would be good to carry with you along with your written permission just in case the boys in blue did turn up asking questions. It is a pity that the mindless and careless do give the more resposible airgunners a bad name, but that just seems to be the way of it.
  4. Agree with the AA S410. Im getting one after Christmas (or hopefully Santa will be good to me!)
  5. Is stuck in Malaysia and people are offering me to go beating back home!!!!

  6. We have a black lab who is descended from a working line, however we do not use it for working. It is more a pet for the wife and my son. We did not have any problems with regards to house training etc. Sure, she chewed a couple of things, but nothing major. Overall, she is a good dog and pretty obiedient (not to the standards of a full time working dog of course). I work away and my wife works also, so we started off just leaving her for a short period of time, say an hour or so and gradually worked up to the full time that we would be out during the day. She got used to it pretty quick and
  7. I heard that they were trying to make it by license only. Could be wrong though! Petition signed.
  8. I did hear from someone that you may soon have to have a FAC to own an airifle! Does anyone know if this is going to be the case?
  9. Cheers folks. Typical reply from Sako and Moo!
  10. Hey folks. I was reffered here by another member, and after having a nosey around the site, there seems to be a wealth of knowledge here. I am an Airgunner, but also like going out with my mates and having a go at the foxes etc. I am still relativlay new to the whole hunting scene so hopefully i can pick up a few pointers on here from the more seasoned hunters. Cheers, Scotty.
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