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About blackcountryboy

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 28/03/1957

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  • Gender
  • Location
    west mids

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  1. have you still got the linnet

  2. anyone help im looking to buy bullies and linnets if anyone can help please message me
  3. has anyone got any for sale [the old stuff]
  4. from wolves i ay a brummy arm blackcountry un ar spake propa so theer ya goo lads
  5. blackcountryboy


    i went to church every sunday for five years. until i got released
  6. palma voilets . imps . spangles . tooty fruities.bar six. frys bar. drumsticks. cadburys twenties. aztec. marathon .
  7. lad had a sturgeon out the grapes last week just 10 lbs
  8. that will be the sanna moxley or the open holes lunt
  9. Im in bed the mrs just farted. Im fighting for my breath
  10. hes only been given the top bunk
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