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About elma-fudd

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 01/07/1975

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    internet porn,lurchers

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  1. looks like its got loads of bedlington in it,looks just like my bedlington pup
  2. elma-fudd


    mate it sounds like the keeper needs a leathering,tell yea what if i was caught red handed i would put my hands up,but if you hav,nt done anything wrong and didnt have any thing on you and on a public road,get in to the police station with yer lawyer and speak to a sargent not a pc. sounds like this keeper thinks he,s alaw in his own hands.
  3. shes on galastop at the moment to stop her phantom pregancy shes stopped producing milk and looks like shes getting back to normal.
  4. seeing i havent posted for bit heres a quick update on the hounds,the big black daffty is turning into fine beast indeed she works well on all types of rabbits,the brindle was coming on ok but shes had afew wee problems,shes just not been fit to do much working with but things are getting there,heres a few pics.
  5. i have one there not to bad for the money,taken plenty rabbits and feathers with it,only gripe i have with it is the noise even with silencer.
  6. best hang over cure for me is eatting the donar kebab from the night before and a bottle iron bru.
  7. just get licking her minge not many can resist :tongue4:
  8. apple cider vineger will stop it put a splash in your dogs water bowl it nuetrilzes there pish it worked with my bitches
  9. i would,nt worry about it mate one of my 19month lurcher bitches rides the arse of my other one,as ditch said its ah pup
  10. are you chewing the bones yer self lol, i give mine lamb bones and they destroy them but as ditch said some dogs wont.
  11. breeding is saluki/bull/grey they have deerhound in there aswell bred by youngbuck of this site,and would recommend a pup of him if the breeding was the same.
  12. all these programes do is make me hungry
  13. brindle bitch made 251/2 tts and the black bitch made 25tts there both r coming on good particularly the black bitch and will take any quarry put in front of them. black dog jumps for fun and brindle only jumps when theres somthing for her to eat.
  14. the third pic of him is a cracker when seen at full size,braw pics bl
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