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Posts posted by jammo1

  1. i found the breeding i was after and the added bonus of there being merles in the litter as i have always liked the look,i would not have chosen my pup purely on her colour or patern so i guess i was just lucky,she is saluki grey collie grey broken coated from her dams side,hope you find what your looking for.

    thanks for pic ,pups a beauty

  2. Why merle? It's a genetic fault and should be avoided...It doesn't often produce problems in single dose but it can do and in double dose is very bad news. If you're looking for a worker then colour should be the last of your priorities and merle should be the last choice of colour even if it does look pretty.




    there is nothing wrong with merles in fact they have made great workers and should not be avoided i have bred 2 litters of them and every pup turned out to be dead on in the feild


    There's no reason why a merle can't be as good a dog as any other but there are risks involved and why take them? Because they look pretty? If you've got a fantastic dog that's merle then by all means breed but be aware of the potential problems. To go out and look for a merle makes no sense to me.


    BTW Clover I'm aware it's not a colour...you know what I meant.


    Sorry Jammo1, I know you didn't ask that but it's important to know. If you are going to select a dog for colour (which I wouldn't advise) then merle is probably the worst choice.

    thanks i will take it onboard.what cross do you suggest

  3. A good link dealing with double merle breeding




    And as for the original question a nice 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie or a line bred collie lurcher should suit what you want regardless of the colour but of you want a rough you may be better looking fo somthing containing either some beardie, beddy or deerhound in it`s make up as well as border , after all colour and coat type is down to personal taste :thumbs:








    thank mate whats the breeding of dog in pics

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