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Everything posted by irishnut

  1. them savage accutriggers are good they certainly are very nice, but the non accutriggers are not even poor, they are absolutely terrible. and not easily adjusted any trigger is adjustable with a good file and a little knowledge I meant easily adjustable, as cz trigger. Filing the sear isn't a job I'd take on lightly, once its gone too far its dangerous. But in theory I agree
  2. them savage accutriggers are good they certainly are very nice, but the non accutriggers are not even poor, they are absolutely terrible. and not easily adjusted
  3. i regret liking motorbikes, speed and not saving any money. most things else i can happily roll with, they have done me no harm even if doing something else may have made a better decision.
  4. +2 you basically described exactly what you need, cz 452, 16" barrel, sak mod and hawke scope, that will get you started and if you look after it, it will last you years.
  5. don't talk down to me you prick. i feed my dogs on a balanced diet of chicken carcass, mince (beef, lamb and turkey), veg, pasta, wholemeal bread, tripe when i get it, and bones ( usually pig and lamb ribs, lamb neck, deer legs and ribs rarely). you say you feed your dogs on 90% beef, other 10% game. by what has be written i think i know enough. i admit i should have put, chicken carcass is better than beef alone in my first post, but stand by the rest. especially the part where i called you a prick.
  6. i also corrected what i had written in my second or third post, chicken CARCASS is better was what i said. and chicken carcass ie bones, trimmings and skin. is better than just beef ie just cow flesh, no bones. read what i have written. all of it, not just the bits you want to read.
  7. grab a had full of chicken skin, plenty of fat in it. your missing the fact that dogs need more than just beef in their diet. stop just looking at bits of my posts and read the lot. then reply. beef has no calcium in it, it has nothing to exercise the jaws thoroughly, nothing to clean the teeth.
  8. Anemia is lack of iron not vit b. Blood within the marrow of chicken bones has blood in it, contains iron. Dogs need balanced diet. Even a butcher will give his dog more than beef. I also agree that most dry kibble is rubbish. Filled with carbs and very little flesh proteins
  9. Are you feeding beef and nothing except beef? No your not. What part of beef and beef alone, are you lads not getting? You feed a good BALANCED diet
  10. So its 90% pure beef? 10% isn't very much left for veg and bones that are recommended in a balanced raw diet.
  11. Richness doesn't have to mean to much of any mineral or vits. It is a heavy and dense meat. It doesn't have anything more than chicken, but lacks what a whole chicken carcass has. The additional word carcass to my post changes the statement completely.
  12. I don't need to google anything. Beef ALONE will be too rich for most dogs. Chicken (should have written complete carcass) is better. Don't try to make a dick out of me.
  13. Absolute nonsense ........ Don't talk shit. Lol. Please explain yourself. Beef alone isn't even enough for a dog. Need to add tripe and plenty of crunching bones.
  14. Beef alone will be too rich. Chicken is better
  15. The wankers in control need to be forced to watch this. They live in a world where food is produced by faceless minions. Badgers need to be culled, the rising numbers of deer will also need heavier control soon too, as they can both can carry and pass tb
  16. You don't have to shoot across the wind. Shooting into the wind or in same direction won't effect the bullet. Pick your shots.
  17. I work in retail security. If we have to go anywhere near a child then we have cameras following every move. Or 2 of us will go to them.
  18. Not rare. Google them. You will have seen 1 or 2
  19. That is too nice. I think I need something like this
  20. I have a cz 452 in 17hmr with 16" barrel. I did the trigger job myself and have to say its now a magnificent bit of kit.
  21. From what I have heard and seen, savage make very accurate rifles and very nice factory triggers too
  22. dogs need meat, not pure unadulterated cereals. what a load of crap. meat, bit veg, bones is perfect feck all the other shit
  23. maybe a dog rubber gimp style suit. i like wearing my gimp suit in the nettle patch out the back of the house.
  24. i had a weihrauch hw66j(jagd-match) with super nice trigger, i loved it, only down side was the bull barrel when carrying it in the field
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