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stephen mullen

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Everything posted by stephen mullen

  1. mine is 5/8 saluki 1/4 wippit 1/8 collie she stands at 22tts
  2. anybody have any dates for shows in scotland
  3. mine shes 5/8 saluki 1/4 whippit 1/8 cillie
  4. i have bein tryin to get a picture of him or stan for ages.somone told me he didnt let anybody take pictures of his dogs
  5. i have pups same age same size i think will do about 24tts
  6. anyone got pics of recess billy or stan got pups of that line and heard so much about them
  7. managed to get one on !!! shes very nice mate
  8. thay do make good dogs if bred right mate DAVID i have got 2 3/8 bull 5/8 grey pups of recess lines and ma mate has a 3/4 grey 1/4 collie of hancock do u think this would work
  9. great post mate liking this bread more and more every day very nice dogs
  10. i whent out and put a heater in with them thanks lads
  11. I think this sums it up really http://www.thehuntin...howtopic=135065 nice dog what is his breeding mine is a 3/4 grey 1/8 bull 1/8 collie HES 1/2 grey 1/4 collie 1/4 Bull wats he standin at very nice
  12. to be -20 the night do u think dogs will be ok out side
  13. these are very nice dogs .keep them coming. i am defo getin one
  14. I think this sums it up really http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=135065 nice dog mate wat does he stand at
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