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charlie caller

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Everything posted by charlie caller

  1. Vortek seal all the way mate if you do a home brew, it makes a vast difference, and make sure you get all the swarf out, new they are usually full of it.
  2. Quite like that tbh, and I hate Hatstand shotguns.
  3. its nice, but £1695, fu*k off its not that nice, its a pissing airgun at the end of the day, that kind of money would buy a cracking stalking outfit, and some nice German glass.And its the wrong calibre
  4. It used to be since last grant or renewal, not any more, I recently renewed my sgc, the form now asks for ALL convictions to be listed.
  5. The police take the view (quite rightly) that nobody is an angel, especially in their younger years, but also take the view that if a man has had a number of years, without convictions,and has a job/house/family perhaps,that he is entitled to a second chance, but be clear on this, you MUST put down every conviction/caution/discharge on the form,be totally honest,and you should be ok,depending obviously on how you interview, when the time comes.
  6. I always wanted to buy the guy that sparked him out, outside niche nightclub in Sheffield a pint I was once painting some gates, at the top of a very affluent road in Sheffield, it was a nice summers day, and I stopped for a brew and a fag, on the road maybe ten -fifteen yards away from the gates, a Nissan Micra I think it was, containing an elderly couple, was tootling down the road at around 30mph or so, all of a sudden a Ferrari comes down the road at probably 80mph, and screams up to the old couples car, it then backs off until the Micra is maybe 30 yards away, then screams up to the car
  7. So there is no future then :thumbs: Hmmmmmm I could of sworn I read a post the other day somewhere, and I am sure it said you were getting one in erm oh yes .177 its the way forward bud.
  8. True but the only difference there is, if a man turns up at your house wishing to buy a sec1 or sec2 firearm, without the relevant paperwork, its good night Vienna, and if that happened to me, a note of vehicle reg number and a call to plod would follow swiftly.
  9. Get it bought at that price if its tidy, you wont regret it
  10. What appalling people, they sound like professional scroungers.
  11. He probably could not handle the weight, it does not bother me in the slightest, but the same goes for a 97/77/98/80 etc, but then I like a heavy rifle, fit a sling job done.
  12. Or just buy a Walther LGU/LGV and not have to tune it,and have probably the best production spring rifle on the market
  13. You might be better posting this on the firearms section mate, rather than wildfowling section, from what I remember they are pretty simple, could just be dirt, might be worth taking your trigger unit out, and having a look at the safety assembly,pretty simple agricultural stuff on CZ.
  14. Yes but get it tuned,or do it yourself, and of course, get it in .177
  15. The lgv mate, obviously in .177 actually in terms of lock time a tuned 99s does not feel that dissimilar, they have a quick lock time, and the moderate amount of recoil tends to go straight back rather than up
  16. No mate never actually shot one,but have you shot an lgv/lgu? I have shot a lot of tuned spring rifles, some by the best names in the business past and present, and I can honestly say I have never shot one that was (in my opinion) as good as this Walther,sure they were smooth,they were accurate, but not one had the totally vibration free feel this does, and the lock time oh my word! And to boot I have never heard a springer as quiet either, but you pays your money and takes your choice
  17. Right,some good comments as usual from the lads, now, I have a .177 lgv it is incredible,all I did when I got it was strip it, give it a de-grease,and re lube it with some dr-slide on the piston and bearings, a dab of silicon oil on the piston seal, and some grease sparingly on the spring after polishing the spring ends,it is quite simply,the most accurate,smooth and quiet(yes quiet) springer I have ever owned, and I have had some belters,once you add a silencer,it really does make a dull thuck as it goes off,unbelievable for a spring gun. They are heavy so if weight is an issue I would avoid
  18. Use my Hermes in future Viz, never had a problem with them.
  19. Cracking offer there bud, I would have loved the Ridgeline jacket and pants, shame your a bit far to visit bud, well done Mac.
  20. Rez that looks like it hold some Muntjac and maybe roe, you need a .243 mate, although you do know a man that has one
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