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charlie caller

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Everything posted by charlie caller

  1. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/04/10/thought-europes-muslims-gradually-blend-britains-diverse-landscape-known-better/ The bleatings of a lefty scumbag trying to save his own neck perhaps, but what this shows and programmes like the above, is that Mudslimes have no place in western society,a gradual awakening is finally beginning to take shape, its a shame it was not 20 years ago, as a lot of suffering could have been avoided.
  2. Then when you get fed up with the ordinary stuff, get your semi auto (a Benelli of course) and use the high performance stuff, it really is very good.
  3. You can use none high performance steel no problem providing your gun is half choke or less, I would check, as Russian Purdy's tend to be tightly choked, keep your range down to a sensible limit, as it does `not have the legs that high performance stuff does.
  4. Hi guys, if anyone needs or knows anyone who needs a full set up, I have just put one up in the falconry for sale section, Yaesu vr500,tag ariel and instructions, cheers.
  5. If you can get hold of a good amount of the same brass, why not buy an inexpensive basic reloading kit, it will pay for itself in no time, at those prices, and produce better ammo
  6. it ain't the poachers round here it's the Badgers, the rabbits seem to be clinging on in small pockets, but I found another set yesterday, dug out and occupied by a young pig with the remains of the previous occupants left outside in the spoil of the dug out set, the over protection of the badger population is having a massive negative effect on rabbits and hares, maybe Brian the poodle may should come and explain why we need an alpha predator,s population spiralling out of control at the cost of everything else, I now see more deer than bunnys on my normal walks, good to hear you still have a
  7. I have always fancied one mate, just never got round to it, wicked little round though, the king of the .17s
  8. No I quite like the feel of the rifle with it on mate.
  9. The muzzle weight is removable yes, and the barrel is screwcut 1/2"unf.
  10. As that greatest of all English naturalists "BB" Denys Watkins pitchford said, it is so much more enjoyable observing nature with a gun in one's hand, I like to think that although our practices are radically different from our forebears, I am doing the same thing broadly speaking,that my Saxon ancestors were doing a thousand years or more ago, the older I get, the less concerned I am if I have a blank day (except perhaps trout fishing) the fresh air, exercise, company (sometimes) seeing things that our towny friends (poor sods) dont even know exist, and just sitting feeling the ebb and flow o
  11. Don't fall into the trap of which one is better VM. Have you seen the guy martin program where it's an F1 car vs a superbike? That is the .22 vs .177 cal debate all over, where really, they aren't meant to be compared. And rather unfair it was too, so we have a multi million pound car with a team of mechanics etc and a man flown in to start it from France, and also wearing slicks for the race, compared with a slightly tarted up BMW 1000rr roadbike, on road tyres, brought in the back of a van,I think the results may have been different if Rossi had turned up on his moto GP bike shod with s
  12. He is far to busy loading for Laird Rake Aboot on Wednesdays
  13. Its amazing BH, some forces are just damn unhelpful,others most helpful, I have never had a problem, but have heard others with a similar story to yours.
  14. Ok as I have my eye on something I am going to reduce this once only,if it does not go then I will keep it,and just have to shell out on a new rifle, first £300.00 gets it, absolute bargain for someone, first come first served.
  15. I have Mark. Da12 area. I only have .22 closed so have to get written permission send it off before I'm allowed to shoot the land. if you have a closed condition, I.E words to the effect, the .22 rf rifle and sound moderator,shall be used for shooting ground game and vermin, over land deemed suitable by the chief constable for the area the land is situated, you do not need to send in permission slips before shooting, PROVIDING the land is passed for a .22 or above, and you have permission obviously.I think that's the thing with the closed license is that you do need to send in the permission
  16. I have Mark. Da12 area. I only have .22 closed so have to get written permission send it off before I'm allowed to shoot the land. if you have a closed condition, I.E words to the effect, the .22 rf rifle and sound moderator,shall be used for shooting ground game and vermin, over land deemed suitable by the chief constable for the area the land is situated, you do not need to send in permission slips before shooting, PROVIDING the land is passed for a .22 or above, and you have permission obviously.
  17. I remember looking at the hw80 next to BSA Mercury's, Meteors, Vulcans etc on the gun rack when they first came out, it was like looking at a m3 BMW compared with a Vauxhall viva, I quickly sold the Mercury I had and got a .177 hw80, the difference was startling, pcp's were a very rare commodity back then, but there were some very good, very accurate pump up rifles around, the Sharp ace being one of the best,sometimes wish I had never sold mine, as I shot dozens of rabbits and other quarry with it.
  18. No apology required mate, it is just as valid a point as anybodies,debate is good, it gets us all thinking and interacting
  19. anybody on here ever meet him.?? I met him once around 30 years ago, and once about 2 years before he died, I have to say I rather liked him, as for books, Plummer obviously."BB" I walked by night (king of the Norfolk poachers) Fred J Taylor, the list goes on, all sadly now joined the great majority, I like to think they all walk the elysium fields together
  20. Quite right too, would not want to infringe on their human rights by giving them an extra hard shove or something,or shouting at them.
  21. Right so tell us, does the imposition of the license that every airgun owner will be required to hold, mean a 40ftlbs rifle can be held on it? I suspect it will be still restrictive and only sub 12ftlbs apply, an fac will still be required to hold a 12+ rifle.
  22. It would be unusual to have the rifle conditioned for fox only nowadays, both .223 and .243, I think you will find an all other legal quarry condition will apply, which of course means you are free to shoot deer.
  23. Pesky are you suggesting that in the future,some kind of "lesser" so to speak form of licensing will allow Joe public to own a 12+ftlbs air rifle? Which previously was only available on an FAC certificate, in my opinion there is about as much chance of that happening as me being next pm,I can see a form of licensing being introduced for sub 12ftlbs rifles, but restrictions only get tighter mate not slacker, the powers that be simply do not want people owning 30ftlbs air rifles, certainly not on some buy at the post office form of licensing, it will remain fac territory exclusively.
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