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charlie caller

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Everything posted by charlie caller

  1. Forget Hawke mate and buy a Nikon, you will not regret it, and wonder why you never did it in the past.
  2. Well done pal, arseholes dont deserve a dog.
  3. Glad to see the onus is on keeping Mudslimes safe and not on protecting their own people, how refreshing.
  4. Save yourself hassle mate, cut or collapse (your choice) the spring and then use the washers to set the power, keep the top hat in place, when you strip it see if any lube has got past the piston seal, as this would be my first guess at the power fluctuation, in my experience 77s are very sensitive to spring pre load, and a tiny bit can make quite a difference, the reason I use dri-slide on the piston is to eliminate lube getting past the seal, just a dab of pure silicon oil on the seal. Just read your previous post mate ok so no lube got past the seal, good, get the spring doctored mate, j
  5. I would not bother mate not for an extra ftlb, just take a coil off the spring,re temper it in oil when done, polish the life out of the spring ends, then set the power to where you want using preload washers, job done mate.
  6. Yep you may well be right mate, although would get a fair rodeo ride I guess dont get me wrong if the bird gets onto a hare then fair play, I just dont actively seek them out,and I will be doing a fair amount of lamping with mine, so should be deadly on rabbits.
  7. Yes it certainly does,they are famous for creeping up by around a foot pound after running in, mine was doing just under 11 out of the box, a re lube and a power washer saw it rise to 11.6, after a few hundred pellets I had to remove the power washer as the rifle had become rather warm shall we say, it then settled at a very consistent 11.7 just right, so anyone buying one and not wishing to strip it, have no fear after a couple of tins of pellets, power will rise to 11+ no problem, I bought my LGV from Holland, they come in two variants over there a sub 12 ftlbs model and a 17ftlbs model, so
  8. Richard, I agree the Walther is not as pretty as a TX or Prosport, but looks have little to do with performance in the hunting field, the trigger on the Walther is not as good as Air arms or Weirhauch units, it is good, just not as good, however it can be made just as good with a Rowan engineering unit for around £45, now then, I have owned almost every Weirhauch springer, and a tx 200 and a pro sport, and done a fair bit of tuning and fettling in my time, hand on heart, the Walther LGV is without a doubt the finest out of the box shooting spring gun I have EVER used, they really are in a diff
  9. I have decided to go for a male 3/4 Finnish 1/4 Albidus should fly around the 2lb mark, I love the absolute blistering acceleration of the males, and I have no interest in catching hares, so I am thinking a big male should have everything I need, to catch all quarry, and at that kind of weight, should have some power too, good luck with yours mate.
  10. Without a shadow of a doubt the Walther LGV, super smooth,super quiet, and lazer accurate, it pis*es all over the competition by a country mile.
  11. I have a male Gos on order for next year,had this season off from flying a hawk, but really looking forward to flying a Gos.
  12. How much mate? If its free I will take it please,hell I will even pay the postage
  13. You will learn more from a redtail than a Harris hawk, Harris are good birds, but CAN give the impression that falconry is easy, and despite what many think, do need a gentle touch as they have a mentality all of their own, to be honest if you have a mentor you can have whatever bird you want, but a red will give you a very good introduction indeed.
  14. Keep the standard spring mate you never know, if the WW spring, (which will be a Titan) is not polished on the ends, make sure you give them a mirror polish mate.
  15. Autosol is great, just make sure you get it completely removed when finished,as Tom says the Vortek piston seals are very good, if you get one you will have to resize it by fitting it to the piston, putting the piston back in your drill and holding some moistened wet and dry round it, then keep trying it in the cylinder until it slides nicely with just a bit of resistance, looks like you are doing a good job mate, dont forget to polish the end of the piston rod where it mates up with the trigger sear.
  16. Or just make one for free out of local vegetation, if they have not been disturbed they will be back, if you have some goose decoys use em, sounds like you are in for some fun mate.
  17. Nice looking rifle mate,with some time and effort they can be improved a great deal over "out the box" spec, as many will know I am not a fan of HW quality control these days,so fettling a new one is a must for me,the WW kit will improve it a lot, one tip I will give you is to absolutely de grease the thing before installing the kit, get rid of all that tacky lube they use, and no doubt a pile of machining turnings as well, dont use a piston sleeve, and do not,I repeat do not put any grease on the piston seal, dri slide on the piston, and a dab of pure silicon oil on the seal works very well i
  18. I assume he means domestic duck eggs, as unless I am much mistaken its December and wild duck dont generally lay in Dec, come to think of it might be a tall order for domestics too.
  19. I have a Prostaff 3-9x50 BDC reticule on my .243 it is quite superb, I also have Nikon binoculars, I have said it before and no doubt will again, how Nikon produce the superb quality goods they do for the price is a mystery.
  20. Dont bother, its an air rifle not a .25-06
  21. Why not just buy a Nikon and have done with it???
  22. So glad your now happy with the TX mate, I knew you would be, and let me say mate, it will get even better as those new components bed in, losing the twangy recoil and muzzle flip makes a big difference, they are an awesomely accurate spring rifle with a bit of a tweak, now get out and drop some quarry with it mate, and lets see the results in picture form
  23. The chicks are fine mate, but once a week she needs a good crop up on some quality food,as the lads have said quail,rat, rabbit, beef,Pheasant, etc, but as said you should know this having had a male before, out of interest, what happened to the male?
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