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charlie caller

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Everything posted by charlie caller

  1. Good luck with the sale bud, but forgive the negativity, a centerfire moderator is a firearm in its own right, to sell this as a dedicated .243 moderator would require the buyer to have a slot on his or her ticket, so unless I am very much mistaken face to face or rfd transfer would be the legal way of processing this sale, of course if it was an air rifle moderator then that would be perfectly legit, I am prepared to be corrected on this, but I think I am correct.
  2. I think Phil is correct, but I would phone BASC and get a definitive answer.
  3. Ha, I will smash it to bits on a wall first, wouldn't wish this trouble on my worst enemy. Hard to tell with the photon, it looks to be doing ok, pissing down now though. The r10 has the 870lrf on and is sweet so don't wanna take that off. The extreme spread on paper looks perfect, but so did the test sheets that came back with it, don't understand why it's not doing it now, I will try another day scope on it as it's the only other thing I can think of. Can you chrono it yourself to eliminate bullshit from them ? Exactly what I was thinking,do you think perhaps they sent yo
  4. Haha not to mention the veritable marksmans in the cardboard box lol.
  5. At that price Richard, keep it, as Phil says £300 for the full kit would be a fair price, as they dont have a fantastic resale value, I actually rather like them, and I did an air conversion on an 850 airmagnum, which is basically what the rotex is, it was a very accurate rifle when done, if you are not in need of the money, keep it, look after it and use it a bit, never any harm in having a pcp as well as a springer.
  6. Sorry to hear that mate,hope you find a proper home for him that will give him the work, I would have taken him mate, but just not the right time for a dog right now, best of luck.
  7. Answer....... yes I like that, scope looks to sit rather high due to the magazine, I dont like that, but otherwise yes indeed.
  8. Nikon Prostaff, 3-9x50 BDC reticule, absolutely pis*es on the competition, and you should get a nice used one for around a hundred quid.
  9. Brilliant news Mac, very pleased for both of you.
  10. I wouldn't Richard.I went once and he answered the door with nothing on but a leather face mask. so gave him the cash, took the rifle and left And that was me being nice It's know Cc. You told me you'd be nice... X, Actually I told you I would be gentle, I lied
  11. I wouldn't Richard. I went once and he answered the door with nothing on but a leather face mask. so gave him the cash, took the rifle and left And that was me being nice
  12. Mac you know anytime you are over this way you are more than welcome pal, Richard, I might extend things a bit and take you out lamping the foxes, with something a little more powerful than an air rifle
  13. Tell you what Richard, if you want to drive up to Sheffield at some point, I will take you out for a day on the woodys and squirrels, think you will prefer Charlie callers air gun farm lol, I admire your enthusiasm, so the offer is there.
  14. But remember they tell you to shoot no more than 35 yards Oh sh*t thats it Im fuc*ed I shot a fox 340 yards away the other night
  15. TBT drop in kit, Vortek piston seal, polish the piston,spring ends, the piston rod where it meets the trigger sear, lightly lube the spring with Moly paste or red rubber grease, dri slide on the piston, and outside of comp tube, dab of pure silicon oil on the piston seal, set power to 11.5 ish with a light pellet, job done, a cracking accurate hunting rifle.
  16. Very limited use for air rifle shooters, for a fullbore rifle I can see its use, if you like clicking and moving zero all the time, personally I can shoot out to 700yards plus using the BDC reticule on my Nikon on the .243.
  17. Not a great deal needs doing to it Don to be honest, a wipe down with an oily rag after use, an occasional dab of grease on the barrel pivot and breech lock, if you want to really push the boat out, a tiny drop of pure silicon oil down the transfer port every 1000 shots, but thats about it really, test the power once a year, if it drops significantly, maybe a spring or piston seal required, but there is really not a great deal to go wrong.
  18. Look it is quite simple, if you dont mind the weight, buy a Walther LGV/or LGU depending if you like break barrel or underlever, as accurate as any pcp,almost as quiet with a moderator fitted, super smooth, with lock time to shame the competition, if weight is an issue, a 99s or a 95, but be prepared for some tuning work to make it really good, if you do go down that route, you can always send it me and I will do the work for you at a very reasonable cost.
  19. Just need to get them to let us have a shot at the deer now then Phil
  20. Spring gun every time for new shooters, I dont have a springer at the moment, but will get another at some point soon, I have a real hankering to try the CZ Slavia 634 I spoke to Welsh Willy once about these and he said once tuned there was very little in the spring gun world to beat them, the other reason I like spring guns is (as I have said before) the recoil etc is not too dissimilar to my deer rifle, so practising off sticks with a springer tends to keep me following through properly and managing recoil, something my super accurate pcp can never do.
  21. Always cocked, try deerstalking one day with an empty rifle, having to cycle the bolt and put one up the spout, your success rate would be somewhat poor, just remove the round when crossing obstructions, the same as a shotgun.
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