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charlie caller

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Everything posted by charlie caller

  1. That is correct mate,our club and I am sure every other club,does not allow the use of section 1 firearms of any kind,3 is plenty anyway mate.
  2. Well done a nice start to your stalking career,where did you hit him btw?
  3. Hmmm very odd, my m1 has never jammed once and I have owned it 7 years,2 mates have an m2 and black eagle and they have never jammed either,I would get it back to the shop asap mate,you have a 5 year guarantee on it so use it fella it should not be doing that.
  4. Nice one what did you shoot him with?
  5. You should sell that no probs mate,got one on my .243 they are the dogs reproductive organs.
  6. Not got or used one, but by the reports I have had they seem to perform well,but if a super quick .17 vermin round is your thing,buy a .17 rem awesome little varmint round,and a much better choice of rifles too.
  7. No such thing as stupid questions pal,good luck.
  8. pes/mae t12 mate,quiet,light ish, and stainless steel,you wont buy much better.
  9. How convincing,not,I should pack it in pal and go somewhere else.
  10. Bushnell mate out of the two,but having owned both, and now owning a Nikon prostaff 3-9x50,neither are a patch on it, its Nikon all the way for me now,as I have stated before,how they make such superb optics for the money is beyond me.
  11. Nikon mate,I have a 3-9x50 prostaff on my .243 and it is superb, how they can make scopes like that for the money is beyond me,and the bdc reticule is very useful,for 300 quid you should be able to pick up a monarch sidewheel focus model, secondhand and they are superb,S+B 8x56,or a second hand Doctor would also be good choices,but you will not go wrong with a Nikon,dont bother with Niko sterling,Hawke ect,(unless you get the endurance 30 flashdot,very good scope) cheap rubbish in comparison mate.
  12. Much the same dude,bunnies a bit low,although one one or two spots, starting to see a few,and the odd drummer,but plenty of charlies,last few I have shot have all been in tip top condition(before they met an gn blitz obviously)
  13. Take the missus clay shooting,show her that used safely a shotgun is just like anything else,a tool,emphasise that it will be locked away and only you will have the keys to the cabinet, I am afraid that you must get her on side,if the feo asks her if she is happy for you to have a gun in the house and she says no,you have had it mate,sounds like you have some work to do,nice meal out and a chat about it might do the trick pal,personaly I would not be with a woman who was not sympathetic to my lifestyle,good luck mate.
  14. Good one mate,always one or two about when the snows down.
  15. Well if you are passing one day,I am more than happy to help you out,we have a shop here that nearly always has some starter o/u in mate,I personaly would steer clear of the Baikal,they are just little too agricultural(but to be fair solid enough guns) spend a little more and you should get a nice shooting gun that fits,and you wont be offered 25quid pex when you decide to upgrade,as said if you want some help mate pm me your number and I will make a few enquiries for you pal.
  16. You dont mention if you fancy a side by side or over and under,but like most people nowadays you will probably want an o/u so,look at Lanber,Lorauna,lincoln,you should pick up a good servicable gun for around 300quid,just make sure that it fits you,as nothing knocks your confidence like a poorly fitting gun,it is a buyers market so dont buy the first thing you see,unless it fits you and its a bargain,where abouts in yorks are you mate,if you are anywhere near Sheffield,I am happy to come with you mate and help you choose,one or two good shops round me that should have a few to choose from.
  17. Normally I would say start some loads off with h110,my hornet shot 35 vmax very well at 12.2 gns very close to maximum,but in a shorter barrel I would say start with lil gun,you really cant get enough lil gun in a hornet case to be dangerous,(but obviously work up from starting load)I switched from vmax to Sierra 45gn varminter,apart from the cost(about a tenner cheaper)I found that at long range say over 150yds they shot flatter than the vmax, and made less mess on the odd long range bunny,but deffo invest in the lee case flare die,and factory crimp die,combined they make a world of differenc
  18. Yep thats my way too,never had a problem,but each to their own.
  19. You will lose quite a bit in velocity,chopping to 18" so I would advise you to reload for it,(as I would with all hornets)if it was me I would not take it down less than 20" and fit an over barrel mod as has been said,the hornet is a great round,enjoy.
  20. Benelli,Benelli,Benelli,there thats 3 times lol, seriously they have no peers,another world entirely, you should get a nice m1 or m2 for your budget,and it will last a lifetime without missing a beat.
  21. What they mean is glass bedded,it does not of course refer to glass,but to fiberglass,which is the old materiel stocks used to be bedded with,now there are much better compounds,like acraglass,and devcon,the reason for doing this is to provide an absolutely solid platform for the rifle action to sit on,and ensure there is no movement when the rifle is fired during the recoil cycle,done properly it can transform an ordinery rifle into a tackdriver.
  22. The water based colour you get in the true oil kit, can be watered down to lighten it,or apply another coat to darken to your taste.
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