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charlie caller

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Everything posted by charlie caller

  1. Too right mate,bloody nail gun case for a start,lol and the video I watched on them it looked like it would have problems hitting a barn door,see if they will let you have a hornet on your ground pal,worlds away from crappy .17 rimfires.
  2. You should be able to reload your hornet for about 25pence a bang,it is the only way to get the best out of a hornet,if I was you mate I would learn how to reload and use the .222,you will get all the kit you need for 100-150 quid,it is not a black art mate,with a bit of guidance you will find it easy,and of course you will save hundreds at once by not having to buy another rifle, imo steer clear of the hmr,but then I would say that cos I hate them lol
  3. .17 hmr is ok until you get a puff of wind,then its all over the place,.17 hornet is still largely uncharted territory,the daddy is the .17 rem,necked down .223 case,over 4000fps,good out to 300 yds plus and drops foxes instantly,however have you considered a .22 hornet mate,foxes out to 200 yds crows ect out to 250,and oh so cheap to reload for,a very useful little rifle is the hornet.
  4. I am sure it can be done, subject to reproof,but why the hell would you want to ? I have had 3.5 inch chambers and they are just a fad,they offer no advantage over 3 inch,get yourself some good tungten,heavy shot or really fast steel like the new lightning steel from Eley, they will do anything you want,trust me when you get invited on that flight pond and want to use some 2.75 inch stuff your patterns will be crap due to your long chambers,just another money maker for the gun trade.
  5. Sounds like it needs a strip and clean mate,you dont say how old the rifle is? if you end up going to the gunsmith ask him to polish/hone it at the same time then you should have an awesome match trigger,it wont be difficult to do it yourself though,I think somewhere I have got the schematic diagram,or you could have a look on line mate, let me know if you need it and I will have a look.
  6. Thats odd,they make the best triggers out there,all I can suggest is you have a play with it,if its the same as mine, there is an adjustment screw at the front of the trigger block,make sure your rifle is empty,have a play with the screw and dry fire it and see if you can get any adjustment,if not I suggest a strip,clean,relube,obviously if you are not confident doing it yourself,take it to a good gunsmith,good luck mate.
  7. Now you are not wrong there mate,too many with deep pockets,ruining it for working lads.
  8. Hmm all very well and good Ray,but surely the onus is on the stalker to put the client onto a beast,tell the client(perhaps depending on what has been agreed pre stalk) if the beast is a shooter or not IE sex,species,cull or trophy,I am sure most pro stalkers will take a novice out(we all started somewhere) and as such extra vigilance will be required on the part of the stalker,for the above reasons,HOWEVER, I do not see for the life of me (at the risk of repetition) that all of this is made any easier by charging the poor sod an astronomical ( in relative terms)fee for pulling his own trigger
  9. Yep 99% female harris I have decided,unless some kind soul offers me one free to a good home lol,but yes time is knocking on isnt it.
  10. If ya get him and nobody claims him I will give him a good home
  11. Well it seems we are in agreement on that particular subject boys,at the end of the day there is a balance to be struck,stalker has his fee,client has had a good day and not been left with the feeling that he has been taken for a ride,no buyers or sellers remorse,so to speak,its good to hear that there are still good lads out there not just in it for the money
  12. I can understand where you are comming from mate,but let me ask you this,if you had shot 20 rats would you place them,or dump em?
  13. That would be the best option,the police can( within reason)impose any conditions they like,and we are going to see this more and more,but in some cases (note I said some) this is a good thing,get out with your mentor,put plenty of rounds through your rifle,get the experience,get your mentor to sign you off as safe,condition removed, simples.
  14. I usually bury mine,but really nice specimens end up in my mates chest freezer,as a pal of his is a mad keen amatuer taxidermist,although one or two of my permissions have old lead mine shafts on them so out there they tend to dissapear quite quickly lol.
  15. I quite agree as I have said before that a stalker taking a client out,should be paid for his/her time,no argument,however its this paying for the shot bollocks that gets my goat,yes if a client wounds an animal,and the stalker has to invest more time and effort looking for the animal,possibly into the next day,then again I think they should be compensated,but when people think it is ok to charge a man 40quid on top of stalking fee,carcass fee ect,just for pulling his own trigger(and lets face it that is what they are there to do in the first place) that to me just says money grabbing b*****d,
  16. Mate if you are missing a stationary target @25 yds the gun does not fit you,you need to pattern the gun to see if you are firing above or below,get a large sheet of paper,blanket,cardboard,ect(assuming you dont have access to a pattern plate) draw a 30 inch circle on it and stand 30yds away and fire at the centre,this will show you where your shot is going,now I would imagine your Berreta comes with(or you can buy them)shim spacers to adjust height,take these with you and swap them until your shot is hitting centre target,then practice,practice,practice,on your moving target start off with ma
  17. Is there a trophy fee,and do you charge for the shot?
  18. My m1 Benneli 12 bore,if it was a shotgun,rifle 30-378 weatherby,kill anything on the planet with one.
  19. I am with you on that one mate,I am lucky enough to have stalking of my own,I will buy the odd day now and again,mainly to shoot a species that is not present on my ground,but as I have said before,a days stalking can be had at a reasonable price,without being ripped off for pulling your own trigger,ok I agree that if you are taken out by a professional,then that man/woman is doing it for a living,and as such I do think that they should receive something for their time even if no deer are seen(after all we are talking about wild animals here,not a driven pheasant shoot) but I think that if you
  20. Thank goodness you have got that off your chest Alex.
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